RNG fun and you!

Started by Sola, November 23, 2016, 11:38:25 PM

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So I get a rescue call from a random pawn, and think "Sure.  I need more guys.  What can you do for me?"

Childhood: Vatgrown Soldier - Okay, sure.  I don't need a doctor, and +4 shooting is never bad.  Let's see what the adult part is....
Adulthood: Charity Worker - Bwuh?

These two mutually exclusive traits combine to make a super-pawn!
+4 shooting, +4 melee, Violence disabled!
+6 social, Social disabled!
This leads to the epic skillset of 6 research, 4 cooking/art, 2 animal/craft, and 1 construction/growing/mining.  Okay, fine.  You're gonna be crap at everything, but at least you can haul, right?

Well, I haven't yet gotten to the TRAITS!
Very Neurotic and Too Smart.
You heard right, folks!  In addition to being a two-of-all-trades, she gets a +26% to her mental break threshold!

In a merciful end, though, I had a raid coming where pirates decided to use sappers to come in from the bottom.  "That's fine.  I'll just set up and hide behind the trees and blow shotguns and assault rifles at them.  Then should be f...


Oh.  A doomsday rocket launcher?  On little ol' me?  How sweet!  Four people dead instantly, two more downed.  The rest of the team didn't stand a chance and I got wiped.

I blame Natalya for this.

Two tiers of construction jobs.  One for expensive/quality items, and one for walls/floors/etc.
