Ai Building

Started by Jumpingeal, August 06, 2017, 10:09:56 PM

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Rimworld is a great game, and so far, it's Ai is amazing, able to strafe and plan and do a bunch of stuff. But the one problem I have is building. I always build large walls around my bases, and whenever I do such, I make them 3 wide, cause I can. But, every time I do it, it'll always have the problem, that they'll build one bit, and trap a part in they can't build (have no path) I think the Ai tracking should be fixed to teach the Ai how to do build 3 wide walls, without blocking in bits that are impossible to build. Or, you could have a system where, if they'll low level, they will do it more often, but if they are like above level 8 or 10, it'll happen almost never. Just an idea.


Agreed. The AI for construction should have them build inner-most first wall and work outwards.