GitHub Help: How can I choose which folder to Release?

Started by Thundercraft, December 08, 2016, 07:20:13 PM

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I've seen several modders release their mods on GitHub. I've never really bothered with GitHub before, but I thought I would try to use it to release a mod. I followed the tutorial and managed to figure most of it out. However, there is one issue I'm having that I can't figure out.

I finally managed to create a Release. However, it did not do it the way I wanted. The .ZIP for the Release contained the file and everything else in my project's root directory. But I wanted it to only include a sub-directory of my project. I know that this is possible to do this as I've seen Releases for other mods which do that. I just can't figure out how. :(

And a minor quibble: The filename of the .ZIP for the Release download is automatically generated as the name of my project, plus the version number tag. I wanted to either choose the filename or have it reflect the sub-directory I wanted to select (above). Again, I've seen other mod Releases where it seems this was somehow done...


As far as I know there is no way to change those auto generated release files.

You can however add an additional files if you like, as I have done here.

Click on the Release, Click Edit Release and drag on a file you want to add. But you still have the .zip and tar.gz files.