Animal Area - how to define an area anywhere but "inside"

Started by ahowe42, December 14, 2016, 11:47:30 AM

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So the subject pretty much says it all.  I want to define an animal area that will allow animals to go anywhere they want except inside the house (inside a hollowed out hill).  Is there anyway to define an area by inversion (i.e., I want to define the area first as inside my home, then invert it to be anywhere outside it)?

Thanks, fellow rimworlders!


Yes, you can select an area and in the areas menu invert the area. So select the room, or area you do not want them to go, then invert it.


Thanks.  Wow, do I feel sheepish for not seeing that option.  Maybe I can tell myself it wasn't there in an earlier release, and feel better about myself :-)?
