[A16.1387] Resulting mass usage didn't show silver changes

Started by gvendhor, December 14, 2016, 03:47:45 PM

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When i travel to a village and want to make a trade then the resulting mass usage show only the products (non-silver) changes, so didn't tell me can i move with more silvers after trade.

Illusion Distort

Was it a substantial amount of silver? The mass of silver is <Mass>0.012</Mass>
Could be that the game allows you to carry more silver back, so you don't feel cheated when you have to leave some behind.

Are you able to carry all the silver back?


By 'resulting mass usage' i mean the top label on the trade window. After the trade it shows and matter the silver amount, but at the trade not show it. So i'm immobile after the trade if i sell lot of small and expensive stuff.


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


I noticed this myself last night. For an example, your trader carries an AI Persona Core over to an outpost. The caravan weight estimate in the trading window will show selling the core as reducing your caravan weight by 2kg, but the silver you receive from the sale will actually increase your caravan weight by over 40kg.
