Predators Hunting Colonists

Started by Coolcolon, December 19, 2016, 01:17:48 AM

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Hey guys. I am just someone looking into making the game better for myself and having trouble finding a mod. The mod i am looking for would just be one to remove colonists from predators hunting. I have gotten past annoyed the predators killing my colonists.
So if you could, point me in a direction i could go to.
Just looking to enjoy the game!


As far as i can tell, a mod the way you are looking for would have to remove all the predators from all the biomes, make them not get hungry at all, or make it so they ignore colonists. You see, predators attack your colonist because they are hungry. The way to deal with that is just to kill ALL predators on sight.
You can also try to install the Hunting Alert mod, i haven't tested it yet, but it is supposed to alert you when a predator is hunting your pawns.