Shake your money maker!

Started by Hugedata, December 14, 2016, 01:43:59 PM

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Hello Team!

I have been playing this game for 3 weeks and I noticed that money seems like it is hard to come by to buy the cool stuff you want.  I would like to suggest a few improvements to add some ways to make money.

1. Mint: Turn silver and gold into currency so that it doesn't sit on the ground taking up space or ripe for raider theft.
2. Bank: Generates money over time through investment banking.
3. Store: you can stock it with items so that visitors can shop at will.
4. Motel/Hotel/Bed&Breakfast: Money generating place for visitors to stay.
5. Entertainment: Anything from an arcade game to a full fledged casino to generate money. (how about a zoo for your exotic animals?)
6. Galactic Stock Market: a very late-game production building where you can invest in commodities and make/lose money based on the current going prices.

It seems like every time I find stuff I like on a trader, I can't afford it; or I need to spend the silver I have on stuff that I need (steel, components, medicine, food...)

Thank you for your time and have a great day!


1. Silver is money, without a regulatory body, paper or electronic money is meaningless so you need precious metals.
2. The planet isnt that civilized, its using the barter system.
3. This would require an internal economy and private property.  A good idea but a long way out from being practical.  For now, every colony is pure communism. 
4. Beds and food for visitors to drop silver on is a good idea, I think a few mods take care of that.
5. More entertainment would be neat, and a zoo might be fine, but again, an internal economy is too complex to bother with anytime soon.
6. There is no stockmarket, the planet you are on is not 'connected' like that and interplanetary comms are strictly speed of light so it wouldnt be feasible to talk with other worlds, let alone establish a shared market.

Money is supposed to be tight, thats part of the challenge, but there are ways of making money by selling cash crops or wool. 


Hello and thank you for taking the time to respond :)

1. How about coins?  It seems a bit odd that the current 'currency' is lumps of silver ore.
2. Yeah this one is a stretch in the current game concept, but I was just thinking of ways to generate money.  This is the default building that most of these types of games use for generating cash over time.
3. I mean a store for outsiders only.  Not for the colonists.  Just a way to automate the selling of junk and overstock (extra artwork, etc.)
6. I was envisioning an upgrade to the coms console that would allow you to be better connected to the galaxy.  Maybe a launched communications satellite...  I mean if you can build a whole ship to get off the planet...

Again, just some observations/frustrations of wanting an AI core and whatever that stuff is that you use to make medicine and I can't afford it because I have to BUY medicine instead due to wiping out all my medicine recovering from a raid.


  Basically it's not how you play the game that
determines a colony's viability; it's how you
ferment your capacities. For instance, players
could have multiple bases situated near metallic
nodules around the map with beds nearby to such
  Of course, this wouldn't necessarily limit you to
having a single mess hall near the central intersection
of such locations. Also, the issue of holding law
breakers in former mines turned into prison cells
could be an issue for players. Then there's the issue
of where the A.I. characters will choose to default as
their destination of choice.
  Would the A.I. characters alternate between colonies?
Also, what if players got a bunch of recruits incapable
of hauling/dumb labor? Could certain colonies survive
without food for a while if certain colonists died from
gut worms?


1. silver is coins, the icon looks like 3 of them together to me.  so they are already 'minted' but even if its just lumps, its the weight that matters.

2. the closest you could ever get would be if another faction asked for a loan or something.  but it would just be an event.

3. Ah, well that would be neat, except its a whole lot faster just to send out your broker and do it all at once.  but id be ok with it.

6. You would still only be able to send signals at the speed of light, fine for your planet but not so good for anything else.  With only sub-light travel available it wouldnt matter what things cost on another planet. 

Set up a drug lab, they can get really profitable.  You can grow your own herbal meds.  AI core is useless unless you want to launch a ship and if you are going that route, you will need lots of money for all the plasteel and such you need to buy so build up your cash first either way.


Right now I have 1 Alpaca per Colonist, crafting all the wool into apparel. Excess wool goes into trading (which isn't that much, since all the 73% stuff is sold as well). I buy all the bionics and all the plasteel from traders and still get silver from them! I'm also selling most of the weapons and Leather goes into Parkas. My only crafter has skill level 20 obviously. On my earlier runs I didn't focus that much on excess production, but didn't buy a single bionic. What I'm trying to say, silver shouldn't be too much of an issue.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


is buttflexspireling an AI bot?

his paragraphs look like an amalgamation of sentences taken from other posts. i mean, i don't care if he/she's a bot.

sieg heil our machine overlords!


I actually think it is too easy to obtain silver. I mean, if you are playing the game on easy where there are very few raids and stuff, then it is harder to obtain silver, but selling the stuff from raids nets a lot of silver. Selling statues is profitable. Selling any high quality clothing your tailors make. Selling anything you make that is high quality (not weapons obv) is profitable. I can end up with 15k silver plus in a couple in game years and that's while buying every single painstopper or joywire, component, medicine, glitterworld medicine, and even food pending my biome (the pricing for raw food is bad, I buy any premade meals only, buying meat actually costs more than buying premade meals, the meat price needs to go down rather than the meal price to go up IMO- maybe both could change a bit in each direction, but it is not practical to pay 1.60-1.80 for meat and then pay 9-10 for nutrient meals and 14-18 for simple meals and 25ish for then nice meals. So some of the pricing needs fixed.

Also, thrumbos are lucrative. But if you play the game on easy mode, you wont make much silver and there in lies the problem I assume. Even though prices you can sell stuff for are garbage, it is still extremely easy to net silver.


Quote from: JimmyAgnt007 on December 14, 2016, 02:43:25 PM
1. silver is coins, the icon looks like 3 of them together to me.  so they are already 'minted' but even if its just lumps, its the weight that matters.

we just smelt them to silver bars.
i am all for that addition, cause silver "coins" take too much space.
Born in Toxic Fallout
Drop-Pod Escape Artist


Coins are a nice idea but they have practically no use right now in the game. It's not totally outside the scope of a colony to mint currency though: the problem is why would they. Precious metal coins in the ancient world are notorious for their eventual debasement by adding impurities. This sort of behavior from storied institutions like the Roman Empire; there's no reason to trust the purity claims of a bunch of colonists. It would all get melted down, likely.

Dwarf Fortress has an interesting use for coins though: they serve as historical artifacts. A Fortress that mints coins will have their coinage begin turning up in other sites, in Adventure Mode, and in goblin booty. The coin has information like the name of the Fortress, when it was minted, and artwork. It serves a purpose, but only because of the way the game is designed, with it's historical system and meticulous tracking of items. In Rimworld, there would be no coinage turning up, because there's no system for that sort of thing in place.

Maybe, with the titular RimWorld getting expanded into a full-blown planet, Tynan will add systems like these, and coinage could be possible in the future.

edit: typos


Quote from: JimmyAgnt007 on December 14, 2016, 01:55:24 PM
For now, every colony is pure communism. 
That figures why every single time my colonists are starving to death.

Jokes aside, I like the idea of minting coins, even if it's just to lower the overall weight and keeping the price.