[A16] Biomes! Mod Series - In Need of a Programmer

Started by Draegon, December 17, 2016, 01:42:18 PM

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I have decided to try and recruit a second programmer/coder for the mod. The current one has gotten busier than expected with life and while great is not as experienced as is sometimes necessary. So, if you can program well and are willing to help out please feel free to extend a hand. :D


I'm a fairly good C# programmer with Unity background, I was actually contemplating making a Biomes mod myself, I do a bit of graphical work also - I'd happily volunteer sometime - but will be doing 3 days a week 10 am - 3 pm at college... Do you have perhaps a discord server we could chat more easily on?


Its probably going to be mostly a redundant exercise, but I'm going to start work on what I can in the mean time till you give me an okay to work with you guys - don't like sitting round too much...

To try and make it more compatible with what you are doing, I'll try concentrating on just the XML stuff for the time being, when I see what you have already done, I'll worry about expanding XML functionality via an assembly, since doing that now is likely to result in incompatible or poorly fitted code...

Edit: I have added a simple FenLikeSwamp Biome here are some screens....


Sorry for the late reply, you posted on the thread when it was 1 am for me XD


Here's some new textures I've made that will be in the mod that I think you all may enjoy.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


I have also done some work on a bat texture. It will be an animated texture so that the bat will look flappy. I've only finished the side view so far but it'll get done eventually :D

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


Holy Carp that is so beautiful ..

Any relation with Rikiki's Cave Biome or Intentions of Working together ? 
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


No relation, we offered to work together but did not do so in the end. Ours shall be quite unique


As long you are compatible with the glowing shrooms everything is fine :)
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


We'll have our own glowing stuff ;)


Some Fungi and moss for you all, the bright blue mushroom will glow as will the moss. The rest do not :P

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


Wow! Those animals are nice! They should be added to the Community Animal Mod (if it ever gets made).


Always helps to have more variety!
Quote from: faltonico
I truly can't understand that sense of balancing a LOT of modders have, pouring more resources on something doesn't make it more difficult, but more annoying. It is not engaging, even if i'm swimming in silver at late game ¿why to bother?, why all the effort to get there?.


Hellsinker had things come up and may not be able to work on the mod for a good while so once again we are looking for a good programmer. Feel free to message me or post here if you would like to assist. :D


Hey, I'm looking to try modding in a biome myself, and I'm looking for some resources to help me get started. Is there any useful info you guys could share to a beginner modder?