Some thoughts and suggestions on the new release

Started by MAKAIROSI, December 23, 2016, 10:02:50 AM

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First of all, i found something which i think is a bug. When one of your colonists goes on a, say, drugs binge and you arrest them, they become prisoners. If you release them they join the colony again, naturally. That's cool. However, if you select "chat and recruit" they will have some difficulty to be recruited. It took me many failed attempts to recruit one before i realised i could just release her and she would join back the colony.

Second. I would suggest not to make the rooms automatically created. I mean, i had a simple research table outdoors along with a butchering table and a table where they were eating and some crops here and there etc. However the "room" was supposed to be a laboratory according to the game (the items were Room: Laboratory). Of course that was because of the simple research table. However it ruined my immersion, since the item was next to the gathering table (where they all relaxed socially and eated). When i removed all those items and put them in separate rooms the room changed into "Rec room" because i had a chess table. So again, what i'm suggesting is that "outdoors" should be just outdoors. Actually i would go as far as to suggest to let us show the game where each room is via making an area (or zone) and selecting a precreated name. Selections could be "laboratory" or "rec room" or "bedroom(s)" etc, as they are now, but we show the game where each thing is. Although i suppose that would be needlessly tiring and complicated for the player. Anyway.

Third. I think forming caravans is not properly explained. I haven't tried it yet but i don't get what do i need to form a caravan beforehand.

Fourth. Foams (the things that pop when fire occurs) should be automatically replaced. It should leave a blueprint behind when it pops. Or at least we should be able to toggle that automatic process on and off (for those who don't want it).

Fifth. When you melee walls or doors without any melee items should cause you bruises on your arms or legs. A prisoner went to berserk (he was going through go-juice withdrawal) and started punching a marble door as i was continuously repairing it. So i naturally checked his health tab thinking his arms would break (he was a former colonist so i wanted to capture him before they broke) only to find that he was fine and could go on punching that *marble* without anything bad happening to his fists. I wouldn't even dream of punching marble in real life, let alone being able to destroy it with bare hands.

Sixth. I would love to be able to rip clothes to make new ones. I had a ton of tribalwear that i couldn't rip to get skins, nor could i sell them (they sell as exotic). I think it's only natural to add a bill "rip clothes". Then we could select the quality or hp and just rip and remake anything we don't like.

Seventh. Something else on clothes is those dreaded D ones. Right now the stockpile allows or doesn't allow "non-D", why? Why isn't that allow or don't "D"? I mean, i want the stockpile where my colonists get their clothes from NOT to include D clothes, and the stockpile where i put the ones i want to sell to include D. Why was non-D implemented instead? I'm honestly asking, as i thought the opposite was the more "natural" thing to implement.

Eighth. If we're getting a deep scanner, we might as well get a surface scanner. I'd like to see where all the mats are in my mountainous area, especially if i have the ability to see where they are underground.

Ninth. That's a bit harder to implement but here goes. I think that the bills should also check a target stockpile. So, for example, keep on making simple meals until "Food" stockpile can't hold any more items (if the stockpile has mixed items that's the more sensible approach). Actually i mostly thought of this for the dumping stockpiles. Like, keep on cutting rocks until target stockpile is empty. Or cut rocks forever but only from that stockpile. So basically the bills would have you select where will they get the mats from with "anywhere" being the default.

Tenth. Hunting, harvesting and woodcutting areas. I would love to be able to select an area where the colonists would always harvest berries (when they are ready for harvest) or cut trees (when they are fully grown) or hunt specific animals. So you can hunt for hares or rats just outside your colony automatically.

Eleventh. Can we move to an empty spot on the map and gather resources? I mean, next to me there's a mountain and i want to see if there's any machinery (for example). Can i go there and mine the mountain? I mean, without making a new colony. If not, then that's another suggestion.

Last but not least, something that isn't a suggestion, i read that you don't advise us to have two colonies at the same time but i don't understand why. Is it because it will make the game really easy?

Anyway, to close this, i'd like to say that this new release was amazing and actually something i never thought would happen because of how much work it would need. We now have a proper planet and we can actually move on it! Awesome work. Keep it up!


Something else i wanted to add was about love relationships. When i started a new game, it wasn't long until i had the two of the colonists forming a love relationship. That felt a bit strange, at least for me, because i thought "dude, you just got here" or something along those lines. Then, after a long story, someone's wife died and he was devastated. When i went to his needs to see how long that would last i also saw he was rebuffed by two other women (that means he expressed his desire for them and they rejected him right?) i literally said "your wife just died!" to my screen. I think it would be more plausible to "fix" those mechanics by, say, a person who just got here or a person who just got out of a relationship can't form a love relationship for some time and make that "time" invisible. I understand that in many cases, in real life, people do jump in another relationship after they break up, but i think the "normal" thing to do is to first get over the previous relationship, right? So it should either be a trait (like "can't stand being without a relationship" or something) or it should be just the same for everyone (meaning, get over the previous relationship first) or maybe except people who don't care.

Especially for the latter example, jumping to a new relationship would be impossible. His wife just died and he was indeed devastated according to his needs tab. This means he did care about his wife's death and even so tried to jump to a new relationship.

Coming to think of it, maybe that "time" won't be so invisible after all. The "devastation" already has a time limit, so when that's over, they can form a relationship again.

Food for thought?


Replied so I dont lose this topic. Will post a well written quoted out response to these ideas. I like some of them, and they could probably easily be done through mods.


Something else i hated was that whenever i rescued someone, if they wanted to be in my colony they would just join and i never got the option to not let them.