[A16] Additional Joy Objects v1.6 (1/4/2016)

Started by Love, December 24, 2016, 09:21:00 AM

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Ran into a problem with this one. Seems with this loaded none of my pawns are actually doing any of the joy activities, either Vanilla or AJO ones. All are completely empty joy and totally joy deprived even with 3 hours of scheduled joy time a day and a horseshoe and chess board built.

Thanks, loved this mod when it was originally cupro's. Considered it a must have for the longest time. The vanilla game is really short on joy furniture. Thank you for taking the time to bring it back.

When loading the mod this is the error log it kicks up.

Could not find a type named AdditionalJoyObjects.JobDriver_Dartboard
Could not find a type named AdditionalJoyObjects.JobDriver_GetBookReadBook
Could not find a type named AdditionalJoyObjects.JoyGiver_GetBookReadBook
Found no usable data when trying to get defs from file ScentNames_AJO.xml
Could not find a type named AdditionalJoyObjects.Building_Thurible
Could not find a type named AdditionalJoyObjects.PlaceWorker_Thurible
Could not find type named AdditionalJoyObjects.CompProperties_Hanger from node <li Class="AdditionalJoyObjects.CompProperties_Hanger"><HangingType>Wall</HangingType><WallHeight>High</WallHeight></li>
XML error: <HangingType>Wall</HangingType> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
XML error: <WallHeight>High</WallHeight> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
Could not find a type named AdditionalJoyObjects.PlaceWorker_AgainstWall
Could not find type named AdditionalJoyObjects.CompProperties_Hanger from node <li Class="AdditionalJoyObjects.CompProperties_Hanger"><HangingType>Wall</HangingType><WallHeight>High</WallHeight></li>
XML error: <HangingType>Wall</HangingType> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
XML error: <WallHeight>High</WallHeight> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
Could not find a type named AdditionalJoyObjects.PlaceWorker_AgainstWall
Could not find type named AdditionalJoyObjects.CompProperties_Upgradeable from node <li Class="AdditionalJoyObjects.CompProperties_Upgradeable"><UpgradeTex>Cupro/UI/Commands/Upgrade</UpgradeTex><BlueprintThingDef>AJO_Bookshelf</BlueprintThingDef><UpgradeDescString>Upgrade to bookshelf</UpgradeDescString><UpgradeLabelString>Upgrade</UpgradeLabelString></li>
XML error: <UpgradeTex>Cupro/UI/Commands/Upgrade</UpgradeTex> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties
XML error: <BlueprintThingDef>AJO_Bookshelf</BlueprintThingDef> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
XML error: <UpgradeDescString>Upgrade to bookshelf</UpgradeDescString> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
XML error: <UpgradeLabelString>Upgrade</UpgradeLabelString> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
Could not find type named AdditionalJoyObjects.CompProperties_Upgradeable from node <li Class="AdditionalJoyObjects.CompProperties_Upgradeable"><UpgradeTex>Cupro/UI/Commands/Upgrade</UpgradeTex><BlueprintThingDef>AJO_Bookcase</BlueprintThingDef><UpgradeDescString>Upgrade to bookcase</UpgradeDescString><UpgradeLabelString>Upgrade</UpgradeLabelString></li>
XML error: <UpgradeTex>Cupro/UI/Commands/Upgrade</UpgradeTex> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
XML error: <BlueprintThingDef>AJO_Bookcase</BlueprintThingDef> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
XML error: <UpgradeDescString>Upgrade to bookcase</UpgradeDescString> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.
XML error: <UpgradeLabelString>Upgrade</UpgradeLabelString> doesn't correspond to any field in type CompProperties.


Anyone have any idea how to get around this, tried both the with and without tea DL's and just cannot get this to work without breaking joy generation.

Even when I load just this and core  or this and core and hugslib, same errors and same problem.

I am assuming I am supposed to leave the folder intact the way it DL's and just move it to be in the mods folder. It isn't creating any additional directory layers like clutter did for me till I figured that out.


Really like this mod...
Only thing that bothered me was that I couldn't "administer" Perodyne like you can with the antibiotics... Figured it'd be useful to bump the joy of medium/long term patients...

Fixed that quickly by adding <drugCategory>Medical</drugCategory> to the <ingestible> tag in the /Defs/Drugs/Perodyne_AJO.xml file ... seems to work like a charm!

Now I really need to mod this to have a painkiller version ... oh and one that knocks patients out!

Thank you very much for this mod.


Just wanted to let you know that most furniture items are still calling for <WorkToMake> instead of <WorkToBuild> causing them to be built instantly.


Came across a save-breaking error a few days ago, if you try to load a save where there's a bookcase that is set to be updated and hasn't been built yet, it crashes the whole game before it loads the map. I had to find the reference to that in my old save file and delete it just to get things running again. This was a few days ago, I think it said something on the lines of "Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named AJO_Bookcase_Frame". I already have the most recent update of this mod, so just wanted to note that.

Also, is there a way to have the dartboard & paintings be placed against non-vanilla custom walls? I noticed this was an issue when I was using another mod that added a new type of wall. Clutter Furniture's bookcase will place just fine since it also is required to place against walls, but the wall items in this mod won't place for some reason.

Ser Kitteh

I too have encountered the bookshelf problem. Can we expect a patch at any point?


This is the error mentioned above:
Exception from asynchronous event: System.InvalidOperationException: SaveableFromNode exception: System.InvalidOperationException: SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RimWorld.Frame.ExposeData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[Thing] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
<thing Class="Frame"><def>AJO_Bookshelf_Frame</def><id>AJO_Bookshelf_Frame8350960</id><map>0</map><pos>(260, 0, 164)</pos><rot>2</rot><health>62</health><faction>Faction_19</faction><resourceContainer><innerList><li Class="ThingWithComps"><def>WoodLog</def><id>WoodLog8350915</id><health>150</health><stackCount>30</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs IsNull="True" /></verbTracker></li></innerList></resourceContainer></thing>
  at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[Thing] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Scribe_Collections.LookList[Thing] (System.Collections.Generic.List`1& list, Boolean saveDestroyedThings, System.String label, LookMode lookMode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Scribe_Collections.LookList[Thing] (System.Collections.Generic.List`1& list, System.String label, LookMode lookMode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Map.ExposeData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[Map] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Any plans to fix that error or is the mod no longer maintained?


Does anyone know how to get the bookcases to work with the mod "Expanded Woodworking"?

Even if you change the defs to allow the bookcases to be built with the new wood types, there is still an error with upgrading them.


Quote from: Ruisuki on March 22, 2017, 03:03:39 PM
Any plans to fix that error or is the mod no longer maintained?
If the error is preventing you from using it, let me tell you that can use this mod as it is now, just make sure no bookcases are blueprinted when you save.

That looks like a faulty installation. Deleting the mod folder and installing it again worked for you?


Quote from: faltonico on April 05, 2017, 02:06:38 PM
Quote from: Ruisuki on March 22, 2017, 03:03:39 PM
Any plans to fix that error or is the mod no longer maintained?
If the error is preventing you from using it, let me tell you that can use this mod as it is now, just make sure no bookcases are blueprinted when you save.

That looks like a faulty installation. Deleting the mod folder and installing it again worked for you?
Yeah thats whats stopping me. Anything save breaking scares me and I might forget.


Quote from: Ruisuki on April 05, 2017, 02:52:17 PM
Quote from: faltonico on April 05, 2017, 02:06:38 PM
Quote from: Ruisuki on March 22, 2017, 03:03:39 PM
Any plans to fix that error or is the mod no longer maintained?
If the error is preventing you from using it, let me tell you that can use this mod as it is now, just make sure no bookcases are blueprinted when you save.

That looks like a faulty installation. Deleting the mod folder and installing it again worked for you?
Yeah thats whats stopping me. Anything save breaking scares me and I might forget.
Totally understandable.
But to further convince you, you don't even have to build any bookcases at all, those are only a bit of the mod, the other stuff works like a charm (at least for me).


I think i'll wait it out for another couple weeks and hopefully the OP will reply by then with intent to update the mod. If not I might just cave and install it anyway. I only plan on adding a few more mods before I consider my modlist complete anyway.