[Mod Request] Better healing priority / self-patch

Started by killermen962, December 26, 2016, 05:26:07 AM

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I've had many instances where my doctor has let a person die because he is always wanting to patch bruises over that wound on that neck that is pretty grievous and is gonna kill in the next I don't know.... 2 hours? Any mods which sets priorities to "Stabilize" the patient before fixing things that are not life threatening?


The other mod request is some kind of self patch up for when a colonist isn't downed but wounded in a fight, Just something simple to reduce bleeding by a quarter so they can last a bit longer without medical attention so I can avoid diverting everyone to defend the doctor while they are operating on him mid-combat.


Self-patching. Interesting idea

Perhaps where treatment happens 3x slower, and the quality is offset by -10% and then reduced by another 75%