(A16) Resources are gone when cancelling a forming caravan.

Started by kakoen, December 27, 2016, 07:15:39 AM

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When cancelling a caravan while the members are still on the map, all resources that were collected for the caravan are gone.

Reproduction Recipe:

  • Go to the world map
  • Form a caravan with all the silver you have
  • Go back to your camp's map
  • Before the caravan has left the map, but after all resources have been collected from storage, cancel the caravan by clicking on a caravan member and selecting 'Cancel caravan'.

Observed result:

  • All the silver is gone

By the way, I'm enjoying the new update a lot, great job!


Check your colonists' gear. Odds are the silver isn't actually gone, your colonists just don't drop it from their inventory when the caravan is cancelled.


I this was a bug too til I saw my muffalo still had packs. If you used any pack animals the items may still be on them until hauling jobs get around to removing the items from the animal.


Double check any muffalo with a pack to ensure they are not carrying it. Providing a save will help too.