[1.5] Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion - v3.3 (April 11th, 2024)

Started by Rah, December 27, 2016, 02:49:44 PM

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Hi Rah, I have a few ideas that may or may not fit this mod. I have next to no knowledge in coding, so I have no idea the amount of effort these additions would take.

Make it so your bionic limbs, and the vanilla ones, have a hand/foot, rather than the hand/foot being counted as cut off (same with digits). This may allow gloves/boots/rings to be worn with bionics.

I've seen many suggestions about surgeries and bionics for fingers/toes. Why not remove digits and add their coverage to hands/feet (like how all 12 ribs got combined into "ribs") so there are less missing fingers or tiny scratches that require a whole medicine. This might cause compatibility issues.

Integrate Less Arbitrary Surgery and maybe Death Rattle (both rebalanced). LAS means less random surgery, among other things. DR so you can give a pawn with a loss heart a brand new shiny synthetic heart. DR does hurt balance in vanilla, but RBSE makes artificial organs expensive, and natural organs cause organ rejection.

LAS: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1552455241
DR: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1552452572


2.7 - Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion

* Changed synthetic liver to part efficiency instead of an offset
* Made patch file for new chronic illnesses to eliminate potential mod conflict. (thanks to Kopp)

@zacharys534, thanks for the suggestion. I will take a look at it.


2.8 - Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion

* Updated for 1.3 and Ideology.

hotfix: simple prosthetics now work correctly with transhumanism / boddy modder, hyperlinks added, artificial nose now gives +0.5 beauty
hotfix2: small sound bug fix.


Small update for bionic and archo eyes; now more subtle graphics compared to vanilla


2.9 - Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion

* Royalty research nodes now match better with RBSE research.
* Death acidifiers can now be removed after researching Advanced bionics.


Hotfix for 2.9: hyperweave now has vanilla market value, bionic eye now requires some devilstrand to make, removed power claw req for power arm.

edit: small balance fix for the normal version: advanced workbench plasteel cost reduced from 200 to 100.

Update Aug 25th-26th: Added Bionic Tongue + small tweaks. Negative side effects for the Neurostimulator removed.

Also try out: Rah's Vanilla Turrets Expansion: New rebalanced turret mod for Rimworld 1.3 with 9 strong turrets for the mid and late game !


update 3.0:
- New research node; Nanomedicine. Can cure Frailty, Sleeping sickness, Muscle parasites, Mechanites, Gut worms and other infections.
- Neurostimulator has no negative side effects. Cures dementia, alzheimer's and brain damage.


are the buildings uninstallable with Two's Miniaturization?



There is no special DRM-free version, mod's works for all versions.
Just grab the steam version, and when you still don't know how to do that read the 1. link of my signature.


Small update: Biosculpter pod can now cure the RBSE chronic diseases with the bio regen option.


awesome mod! one issue that im not sure is intended: bionic jaws give the "disfigured" debuff, while i would prefer it didn't, i think thats because their tongue gets removed. i have no option to install bionic tongues either (even though i have a few in storage). even when installing something that increases the pawns's beauty like aesthetic nose, they are still disfigured. im not sure if this is completely a vanilla issue or related to how the mod changes things; thanks

relevant screens:
all hediffs: https://i.imgur.com/Ps2n9ZH.png
available bills: https://i.imgur.com/JqdurRb.png
i have a bionic tongue: https://i.imgur.com/tkGl5sE.png
disfigured social: https://i.imgur.com/TDf0Wzg.png
pawn isn't ugly: https://i.imgur.com/ggDfyFH.png


updated for Rimworld 1.4. not tested with the official dlc yet. Please report issues on the official steam mod page.


feature requests:
# posthumous extraction
Can you add an option for extraction of artificial organs (not enhancers) from dead pawns, that haven't been destroyed during combat (maybe like a on a 24h timer before it goes "bad")?
Maybe even for regular organs too (1h timer?).

# blood packs
blood packs should probably be spoiling, when not frozen.

# neck replacement/fixation
it can have scars/old wounds

# simple eye prosthetics
- 0% efficiency version (no research required) - to remove pain - 'peg leg' research tier.
- 'anatomy and physiology' research version with more efficiency - 'Simple prosthetics' research tier.

# simple synthetic organs
- 80% efficiency all organs, no buffs - industrial tier. (this mod seems to remove vanila prosthetics research that gives things like 80% craftable heart?)

# synthetic organs
- 100% efficiency all organs, no buffs - end of industrial tier, alongside bionics (bioniocs should also be in industrial, it's too far down the tree to just get 100% replacers).

# synthetic organs -> advanced synthetic organs
- should be on the same level of research as 'Advanced bionics' (they are even penalized by the need to be refrigerated).


updated for 1.5. if you encounter any bugs, please report on steam page.