Low frame rates while using the ground penetrating scanner

Started by TheEldon, December 27, 2016, 10:10:02 PM

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I have found that while the ground penetrating scanner(GPS for short) is active(as in showing minerals in green) my frame rate drops significantly from 130 +-5 to 44-45. In the worst cases, zoomed all the way out, 3x speed and moving the camera my fps drops to around 29. This is well below a reasonable frame drop and please note I'm running a GTX 1080 so that is not a bottleneck. I'm not quite sure what went wrong but doing the same tests with the "Toggle visibility of roofs" option enabled, which I would guess is a very similar process to the GPS green shading, there is barely any difference from not having it enabled. I tested this on two different worlds with the same results. I do have a fair few mods enabled but nothing that I would think to be interacting with the GPS shading process but here is a list.

HugsLib (maybe interacting?)
I can fix it
OSHA compliance
Step away from the medicine
EdB prepare carefully
Hand me that brick
Less rebuff
Silly builder, surgery is for doctors
Crafting hysteresis
Cheaper components
[sd] Advanced powergeneration
JTReplace walls
A world without hat
Look at me, I'm the worker now


I have experienced this as well with a vanilla game. Did not have this issue in A15 either.


The GPS uses a super inefficient drawing method actually. Yeah.

We should optimize it; at least make sure it's not drawing off-screen, etc.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


It's now batched into a single mesh and uses a single draw call in most cases. Thanks.