get rid of mining skill, merge it with construction

Started by rina_m, December 30, 2016, 03:40:43 PM

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Quote from: darkrage000 on December 31, 2016, 08:41:08 PMi would like to disagree with that point. a miner would know nothing about how to properly be a forester. he wouldnt know how to set up the tree to fall where he wanted it, how safe was it to climb the tree to strip the limbs, how rotted was the tree and how would that affect its fall, etc etc.
just like a forester wouldnt know one ore rock from another in the mine, or how deep he could go safely, how to set up the supports, what gases could he run into in the mine, how stable is the area he is digging, etc etc.

just swining a tool doesnt give either one of them any knowledge of the others job.

to say they should be together because they both swing a tool, a carpenter swings a hammer, a melee fighter swings a sword or mace, etc etc.

And as I said, we already have a skill in the game (Crafting) that covers an even broader range of unrelated activities. And you could also argue Melee and Ranged covers a similarly disparate group of skills (aiming sniper rifles isn't the same as throwing a grenade, knife-fighting isn't the same as spear-fighting isn't the same as sword-fighting). So how come you aren't arguing that each of those should be separated into their own different skills?

The game requires simplification and broad groupings at some point to avoid drowning the player in an absurd number of skills/categories. I am arguing that chopping wood has more in common with mining than it does berry-picking. (Not to mention that the only thing Growing skill affects for wood chopping is how quickly it's done, so it's not even taking stuff like safety or getting the most wood out of a tree into consideration.)