had to quit the game and share this, it was so sad

Started by spatula, December 30, 2016, 06:14:44 PM

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i had just started a new colony and was very optimistic about the map.
I start hunting a pack of caribou and accidentally trigger Caribou's Revenge.
The Caribou hoarde all zones in on one pawn at a time, systematically taking us out.
"Mutt", the colony dog chips in and gets knocked out as well.
Caribous proceed to knock unconscious all 4 colonists.
A colonist recovers, only to be beaten back into sleep by the last 3 rampaging mammals. They can't get up!
This may be a record loss.... but no!
Mutt, the dog, wakes up and doesn't trigger the deer!
And he just barely got trained in rescue! Go mutt!
He proceeds to rescue all 4 colonists one by one, bringing them safely indoors where the caribou can't get them.
Mutt lays down beside his master.
Mutt bleeds out and dies in the night.
Good boy Mutt, Good boy.
Quit to OS before colonists awake.
Curl into fetal position on bed.
Stare at the wall.
Maybe I'll play some Rocket League for a bit... but holy shit, Rimworld is amazing.


yes, it tells stories. some are frightening, thrilling or heartbreaking, others are endeavourous, comforting or heartwarming. But all of them are deep.
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak