[1.0] Krysa Race (V 3.8 / 12.29.18) Raiseth thy sword!

Started by Krzysztof, December 27, 2018, 08:49:56 PM

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Krysa Race Mod

About the Krysa race
The Krysa race are a rodent based species closely related to the Sloggett's vlei rat.
The Krysa are of a race that lives underground, with exception skills in digging. Here's some of the features they have below.

-Mining speed and yield increased
-Do not require to be outdoors at all
-Moderately faster than a human
-Hunger is increased for realistic hibernation
-Melee dodge is increased
-Chances of surviving a heatwave increased
-Just don't light a candle near them, they'll ignite just as fast as a Jerrycan full of jet fuel
-Plant yield is decreased
-Accuracy with ranged weapons decreased
-Starts with dirt cheap technology for people who really love a challenge

If you want to follow up real-time with me on development join the discord below.





Humanoid Alien Races is required to run this mod. (Special thanks to erdelf for the framework that makes this possible for modders like me!)


How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

I would recommend loading in this order, if you have hugslib as well. As long as humanoid Alien Races 2.0 is loaded first and Krysa race after it, nothing should go wrong.

Humanoid Alien Races 2.0
Krysa Race

Fixed up new traits, and made them make a bit more sensible. Race is now more Neolithic-Medieval now.

- You can use the Krysa Race mod in your modpacks.
- You can use source code of Krysa Race mod to create your own mods. Just add a reference to this mod.


I wanted to try out this mod, but I can't seem to find Humanoid Alien Races anywhere but on steam.
Is that really the only place to get it?


Quote from: Panth on December 29, 2018, 12:40:58 AM
I wanted to try out this mod, but I can't seem to find Humanoid Alien Races anywhere but on steam.
Is that really the only place to get it?
I'll update the thread for people who can't find the framework mod that allows my mod to work.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


My main computer is not online so I get these mods from my kids kindle fire than I transfer. I'm just telling you because I try and download yours from mega app but cannot as a zip and I'm not downloading each file one at a time. Many mod authors use this and i have no problems. Any help on how i can get just the zip please let me know.


maybe the kindle don't show anythings.
On top you got the button "ZIP-Download" which put anything in a zip and send it to you.


Thanks for the response canute. I download from mega app for all the other mods that use that service. This one makes me get the files one at a time. It's very weird and i have never encountered this problem before. It's ok i can live with out exploding rats. Okay maybe I cant . I might download files one at a time when kids to go sleep.


You are right, when i use my favoured download tool i got the same result like you.
I just tried it before over the webbrowser, then i could download it all over the ZIP-download.


Quote from: Canute on December 29, 2018, 04:13:13 PM
You are right, when i use my favoured download tool i got the same result like you.
I just tried it before over the webbrowser, then i could download it all over the ZIP-download.
Quote from: Nooklie on December 29, 2018, 02:40:10 PM
My main computer is not online so I get these mods from my kids kindle fire than I transfer. I'm just telling you because I try and download yours from mega app but cannot as a zip and I'm not downloading each file one at a time. Many mod authors use this and i have no problems. Any help on how i can get just the zip please let me know.
I apologize for not replying sooner, I'll work on getting a second mirror download or fixing the mega one after I'm done pushing my next update. Thank you for the input!


Your mega drive downloaded the rar  file with no troubles today. If that was your doing thank you for the response and the fix. I'll be trying your race tonight.


Hi kryz,
Me again. I don't know if it's a big but I get a warning from prepare carefully saying it can t find one of your face textures. Any easy way i can fix this myself?
Other than that this mod is awesome. Thank you for taking your time to make it for us.


Hi, does anyone still possibly have a copy of this mod floating around? Thanks!