[A16] [WIP] Aliens vs Predator

Started by Deon, January 07, 2017, 10:27:29 AM

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I have started slowly composing together a mod which implements xenomorphs and predators in to Rimworld universe.
The progress is slow since this is my first mod. I figured out how to add xenos to the game and make them spawn naturally.

The base spritework is done:



Queen (WIP):

So far they are based on megaspider and do not have a unique body yet, but they work well in the game already as enemy pawns.

It will take a while since I just learn to mod, but I promise to playtest it and deliver it in a working form.
If someone who already knows modding well is willing to help with minor stuff (template for incident for example), I would greatly appreciate it.

To do (development order):

- Create sprites for xenomorphs.
- Make a pawn for xenormorphs.
- Create ranged "acid" natural weapon.
- Create an incident.
- Create sprites and make different types of xenomorphs (warrior, runner, queen etc).

- Create custom body.
- Create custom AI for aliens.
- Create sprites for predator.
- Create sprites for predator mask/spear.
- Figure out how to make predators/aliens invisible until colonists encounter them.


It's about time, i just keep imagine make some experiments like Weyland-Yutani with my prisoners and eggs  ;D


You can borrow the code to make predators and aliens invisible from Jercell, he is the maker of the Cthulhu mod


Quote from: SergeshD123 on January 07, 2017, 11:30:38 PM
You can borrow the code to make predators and aliens invisible from Jercell, he is the maker of the Cthulhu mod

That is something I am currently looking into. I am new to coding, so I cannot figure out some stuff (like, why does he have GenSpawn.Spawn(iwVampire, iwLoc); while the method should have 3 parameters and not two... My compiler even complains about it). It will take a bit of time for me to study it, but I will try to do my best.

I already found how he made star vampires invisible, he simply made a variable isInvisible and modified DrawAt function to "return" when it's 1.
I just need to figure out the proper format so I don't break the code if you know what I mean :P.



Well I figured out how to code in an incident where manhunter packs of aliens spawn and rush the colony.
The downside is that "Manhunter" AI does not use ranged weapons, so I cannot equip them with acid spit.

Now onto the harder stuff and more coding learning.

Also the runner sprite is ready.



Really liking the look of this, was just wondering where you were up to with it or if you wanted any help with the coding? I haven't made any mods yet but i do like to modify the ones i use to suit my play style.


Love the xenomorphs art, fits the game well.


Quote from: Aladgal on January 12, 2017, 09:32:40 PM
Really liking the look of this, was just wondering where you were up to with it or if you wanted any help with the coding? I haven't made any mods yet but i do like to modify the ones i use to suit my play style.

I am up to the point where I learned how to make an incident that spawns a pack of manhunter xenomorphs.
I am learning how to make an AI for them to use instead of Manhunter now, to give them ability to spit acid/equip stuff. Which is somewhat slow due to the family/work, but I will manage. I am considering releasing an alpha with manhunter packs for now, but it's not that interesting.

If you would like to assist me with coding (just a couple of tips would be great), I am on Discord in the Rimworld modding channel as Deon.


Still super excited for this can't wait for a release!


/\ Same as the guy above, cant wait for it, if I can help you in any way, just tell me!!
Even if its for art/sprites or balance in general (or even ideas) (:


Oh woah! I haven't noticed this part of the forums but I'm actually working on some AvP textures myself!

Interested in a partner? :)


Quote from: faltonico
I truly can't understand that sense of balancing a LOT of modders have, pouring more resources on something doesn't make it more difficult, but more annoying. It is not engaging, even if i'm swimming in silver at late game ¿why to bother?, why all the effort to get there?.
