Adjusting Transport Pod Range, Harmony Patch Not Working

Started by Mersid, March 28, 2018, 04:09:47 PM

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So the first HarmonyPatch method (MaxLaunchDistanceAtFuelLevel) is working fine, but (FuelNeededToLaunchAtDist) is never accessed when it needs to be. How would I fix this?

using System.Reflection;

using UnityEngine;

using RimWorld;
using RimWorld.Planet;
using Verse;
using Harmony;

namespace TransportPodsExtended

public static class TPE_HarmonyPatch
static TPE_HarmonyPatch()
HarmonyInstance harmony = HarmonyInstance.Create("TransportPod");
var methods = harmony.GetPatchedMethods();
foreach (var method in methods)


static class MaxDistancePatch
static void Postfix(ref int __result, float fuelLevel)
__result = Mathf.FloorToInt(fuelLevel / 10f);

#region FuelNeededToLaunchAtDist
static class FuelNeededPatch
static FuelNeededPatch()

static void Postfix(ref float __result, float dist)
__result = 10 * dist;


Here are the methods they patch

public static int MaxLaunchDistanceAtFuelLevel(float fuelLevel)
return Mathf.FloorToInt(fuelLevel / 2.25f);

public static float FuelNeededToLaunchAtDist(float dist)
return 2.25f * dist;