Taking people hostage

Started by Headshotkill, April 11, 2014, 10:27:44 AM

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Hey guys, with the latest update alpha 3 I had an idea for those people of other factions.
What if when some people visit the colony we could capture them and hold them hostage and then negotiate a ransom with that faction, of cours the other factions could send some groups that wouldn't concentrate on destroying your colony but locating the prison and freeing the prisoner. Maybe we could even film the prisoner being beaten up or something like that.
We should also be able to capture a wounded person from a raid and take him as prisoner, I think towns would be more likely to care for captured people than pirates cause they probably don't really know each other and think more of making some money for themself.

So what do you think?

Celthric Aysen

I would love to do this right now, [Evil guy here >:) hehehehe..]
and the torture film thing i like it! maybe make room 5x5 wide with a torture chair in the middle where the prisoner wont be able to move and gets tortured while a colonist gets a camera and film the person being tortured, love the idea, and yes im brutal i know :3
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