Weapon Modifications

Started by LouisTBR, January 17, 2017, 01:32:45 PM

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Pretty much every game that involves guns also involves gun mods. Be it paint jobs or an attachable mini-nuke, we love them all :P

X2 Scope:
Gives a slightly enlarged range, at the expense of poorer close range accuracy

X4 Scope
Same as ^^, but more :D

Slightly better accuracy, and movement speed is faster when drafted than normal


Same as shown ^^

User does better melee damage when the bayonet is fixed

Assault Rifle, LMG and PDW:

Iron Sight:
Slightly enhanced accuracy

ACOG Scope:
Much better accuracy

Grenade Launcher:
Very rare. An attachable device that clips on underneath the barrel, capable of firing off grenades if chosen. (Fire Grenade 'X' or 'Tick' when ready)

Extended Clip:
Capable of holding 40% more ammo, which means longer in-between reloads

Pistols and Uzis:

Gives slightly better accuracy for slightly slower firing and cooldown time

Charge Rifle:

Electron Harnessing:
Uses a special thingy-magjiggy to harness electrons from some sciency thing. Makes for faster firing and faster reload

Friendly Lock:
Using thermo-scanning, this attachment detects friendly and enemy movement differently. While equipped, the gun can do no friendly damage :P

Stun Rod:
Like a bayonet, but ranged. When 3 squares or closer to an enemy, this attachment zaps the said target. Not completely incapacitated, just considerably slower and stunned for a few seconds.
Only in RimWorld is the phrase "31 Heavily-Armed Siegers are currently bombing your base" preferable to "50 manhunting squirrels are attacking your colony"