Drop button on inventory of pawns that are hosted by the player's faction

Started by Orion, January 15, 2017, 12:22:06 PM

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When a pawn's HostFaction is set to the player's, the player gets control over his inventory, as if he was a prisoner.


In the class ITab_Pawn_Gear, in the method DrawThingRow, add a check to the following line if the pawn is actually a prisoner.

(showDropButtonIfPrisoner && this.SelPawnForGear.HostFaction == Faction.OfPlayer)

Change it to:

(showDropButtonIfPrisoner && this.SelPawnForGear.IsPrisoner && this.SelPawnForGear.HostFaction == Faction.OfPlayer)


It does seem like a weird design, so I'll change it. Thanks.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog