Make my Research tab not look like a jungle-clusterfu-abomination

Started by Xevion, January 15, 2017, 10:59:16 PM

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Certainly the most beautifully organized thing you've seen in your entire life, am I right?

Can someone make a mod, or can the developers find a way to fix this?
It's getting annoying, I can't even follow the little lines at this point.
I actually have a good idea, make the little text right here clickable, and it will then select the research item the text is referring to.

So, how can I fix this, or how do you think we can fix it?


There is a mod that changes it back to the old research screen. Pretty much mandatory for anyone who uses a lot of mods...  ;)


There is a type of UI tool in Unity that will automatically arrange items into an array or array of arrays, I feel that tool could be useful for automatically sorting the new research screen into tiers regardless of whether or not new additions have been made. I'm sure we will see this improved in future updates


It feels like the solution to this is just so easy, though. Have separate tabs. Like have a tab for research included by Mod A, have a tab for vanilla research, Mod B research, etc. If the mod requires some research from vanilla, or another mod, then that's fine. Have that ONE SPECIFIC piece of research show up on that tab, connected only to what it influences.
Shitposting to the max.


Quote from: harpadarpa on January 16, 2017, 12:00:24 AM
It feels like the solution to this is just so easy, though. Have separate tabs. Like have a tab for research included by Mod A, have a tab for vanilla research, Mod B research, etc. If the mod requires some research from vanilla, or another mod, then that's fine. Have that ONE SPECIFIC piece of research show up on that tab, connected only to what it influences.
That's a pretty good idea, maybe color code it so that the specific mod that you are looking at stands out apart from other mods, or vanilla too?


Quote from: harpadarpa on January 16, 2017, 12:00:24 AM
It feels like the solution to this is just so easy, though. Have separate tabs. Like have a tab for research included by Mod A, have a tab for vanilla research, Mod B research, etc. If the mod requires some research from vanilla, or another mod, then that's fine. Have that ONE SPECIFIC piece of research show up on that tab, connected only to what it influences.

I believe that is basically Tynan's plan. Can't wait to see it in action. Personally I like Fluffy's tech screen as you can see in my post here:

But I'm certainly open minded about seeing Tynan's tabbed solution. Hopefully he does take the queuing from Fluffy's mod though!