Crawling mechanics?

Started by Hydraphantom, January 17, 2017, 07:50:30 AM

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I like quad amputee, I love to hack off both arms, legs, nose, jaw, ears and eyes of my prisoners and see them spoil themselves on bed.
But I realized once I hacked off their legs, they cannot move completely, surely they can still crawl with their arms, or use their torso to move like a snake slowly right?
So I've been thinking, is there any mod that add crawling mechanic? Or it there any plan to add it in the future?


Operations > Left Leg > Instal Peg Leg
Operations > Right Leg> Instal Peg Leg

Closest you will get, they can barely move and it costs 1 wood per. (As of A12 I think)


That's not a bad idea though.

If their moving falls to zero, a pawn starts using their manipulation stat (x0.10 to x0.20) to determine move speed.

Might need to disable hauling or something for realism's sake (hands occupied while traveling), but otherwise it could be straightforward.


You would have to make an actual system for carrying weapons. Bandoleers needed to carry some weapons like rifles or pistol holsters for one handed weapons?

Maybe you could shoot a pistol while crawling, also due to the crawling factor you cant shoot over sandbags, but you cant be shot from behind them either.