Unable To Treat Patient

Started by RolanDecoy, January 17, 2017, 03:38:01 PM

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Mods: None, clean game.

Scenario: Custom, self-made using the in-game editor. Single starting player, Start With 1 survival hunting rifle, Start With 25 packaged survival meals (or some such). Nothing else.

Description: I had a crash victim, carried to a medical bed, but unable to treat her wounds. The option states she's not wounded, but her stats say she'll be dead in a few hours. Haven't messed with Steam or Workshop or anything like that, in-game or on Steam.

Cause: Unknown.

I paused the game earlier, had dinner in the meantime, did some other stuff around the house, came back, unpauzed and all was well in the world. The pauze session lasted for at least 2 hours, so thought it might be relevant. I didn't ALT+TAB or otherwise shifted focus to a different program.

The victim spawned on a border tile south of the map, so on the lowest row of tiles.

Noticed this when uploading the screenshots; The victim has the same handle as one of my people (in fact, my starting player). Maybe relevant? I changed his handle later in the game to 'Farmer', to specify his occupation and give a hint to his interests and skills, which is the same as the victims. I'd imagine they have their unique ID's or some such, but thought I'd mention it anyway.

Replication: Unknown. First occurance, and I can't exactly decide for the game where to spawn it's victims.

Tried solutions:

Save the game, load the game. Still unable to treat patient.
Save the game, quit the program, restart the program, load the game. Still unable to treat patient.
Rename player, save game, load game. Still unable to treat patient.
Rename player, save game, quit the program, restart the program, load the game. Still unable to treat patient.

I have accepted the loss of this patient (at least I can sell the clothes...and no, I'm not going to eat the body), but it raised an eyebrow...

http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/105106988869639279/2D6B728DCBFC622AD6602F67B99FC7B037ABB795/ (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=844617043)
http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/105106988869640446/6628E65BE727C3C7B18E7B3F7494462FAAE0B9AB/ (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=844617278)


In the second image, you have the "Farmer" pawn selected.
When you right-clicked the bed, the options given there are relative to the bed, and the "Farmer" pawn.
The "Farmer" pawn is not injured.
The "Ray" pawn, in the medical bed already, is injured.
If I had to guess why "Ray" is not being bandaged, and healed, it would be that you have no colony pawn set to "doctor" at this time.

In order to heal that pawn:
You first must go to the "Work" tab and make sure that one of your colony pawns is allowed, and set, to "Doctor."
You must then select a pawn that is allowed, and set, to "Doctor" and then right-click the "Ray" pawn to prioritize healing.
(A pawn set to "Doctor" will probably automatically go to heal "Ray" anyways though.)


Everything in the work roster that can be set is always set (first thing I do when I start and first thing I do when a new colonist joins) (Kees, formerly known as Farmer):
http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/103981389979948234/11F5A99B3DFA391D4E7CD2E1BF1BE25D7D0ACA00/ (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=844765622)

And yes, I know how to heal people; Select the healer (doctor), right-click the patient...and that's where I was surprised. Appreciated though, you've noticed what I failed; She's called 'ray'. I naturally assumed the name based on the context menu, but it appears there's the actual problem; That context menu doesn't belong to the subject I clicked on. Doesn't change the action and its effect though ;-)

So the question now becomes 'why is it showing the options for the doctor when clicking on the patient, with the actions of the patient and the name of the doctor'? I mean, if I select any other character (which all have the doctor role enabled) and rightclick themselves they don't show any options, which is, as far as I know normal behavior (excepting 'drop [weapon]' options and such).

Note that the context menu providing the unavailable option of treatment opens at the location of the mouse cursor (which would be at the top left corner of said menu).


Thank you for the bug report (I moved your thread to bugs), and for providing such a detailed report. Unfortunately you left out the two most important things required to help determine the cause of the bug. Namely the log file and the save file. So it would be helpful if you could please provide both of those.

Details on where to find the log file can be found in the following thread: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=513.0 . If you compress the save file using a utility such as WinRAR or 7Zip then you might be post the save as an attachment (600kb limit). Failing that you can use a third party service to host the file and post the download link. (eg. Dropbox, GoogleDrive, ega, Zippyshare, Mediafire).


Save file has been overwritten several times now, so that's not going to help you...

And for some reason I can't upload the log file...lemme edit and try using Chrome...
Damn Edge...there ya go ;-)

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


I have encountered this before in A16, it should be easily reproducible. Captured pawns can be treated, but rescued pawns cannot. I had an ancient structure with cryopods, and accidentally rescued 2 individuals and captured 2 individuals. The 2 pawns that I captured were able to be treated, but the 2 pawns that I rescued and were taken to the hospital instead of the jail cells were not able to be treated in any way until I captured them and transferred them to a prisoner cell.


Haven't had this problem before this one incident, nor after (hence, incident), so there must be something else at play. Wasn't there a memory leak or some such? Sorry, grasping at straws here, 'cause I've got no idea why it did that...

Kinda feel silly overwriting savegames after reporting a bug though...


I think this is the same issue as this: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=29312.0

Let's move discussion there!
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog