Maximizing window then switching to fullscreen runs game in wrong resolution

Started by Kinrany, January 02, 2017, 05:09:02 AM

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Steps to reproduce:

  • Launch the game
  • Toggle fullscreen off using Alt+Enter
  • Maximize the window
  • Toggle fullscreen on to check that the resolution is now different
  • Launch the game again to see artifacts when Steam messages pop up

(Windows 7, fixed taskbar)


When you switch to fullscreen mode the resolution stays the same, but since there is no title bar everything is displayed centered in the middle, so the resolution is actually correct. In order to fix this we would have to remember 2 resolutions: 1 for windowed mode and one for fullscreen. I think it's not really a bug, more like a feature request.


Agreed with ison.

You could say this is a bug with the Steam overlay, which is displaying in the "unrendered" black space where it shouldn't.

Anyway, thank you for the report. I can see it's a bit weird but it'd be quite an expansion of effort to fix this...
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog