Yet another translation tool - Rim Language Hot Reload (Horlivec)

Started by lordfanger, January 19, 2024, 01:40:21 PM

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Hello there,

if anyone is interested in I've created a mod to RimWorld that can help with translations. Mainly the testing phase. The mod can be downloaded from Steam (GitHub:

The tool was created to help with Czech translation but could be used for any other language I hope. If not I'm sure it can be fixed to do so. In short it watches after changes made on files and tries to apply them into the running game.

Usage (from GitHub README file):

Subscribe on Steam.

Run game and add Rim Language Hot Reload to active mods.

Enjoy editing files in language folders.

The Horlivec attach to active language and probes for changes in files in active languge folders. Only physically existing folders are probed. Horlivec cannot be used for virtual ones (in .TAR file).

Not all texts are available to translate and not all translated texts are able to be changed while the game is running and some are cached and need to be invalidated which is not allways easy task. But the list of available scenarios will grow up with each update.