How to install steam MOD on sendowl version client.

Started by SteelRev, January 05, 2017, 01:01:14 PM

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The may have been asked before but the search function didn't return anything for me.  The facial hair MOD is on steam for A16. I couldn't find its forum post so I'm assuming it's not updated on the forum or it's thread was deleted. So how would I download and install it outside of steam?


just unzip them into your \RimWorld1393Win\Mods\ directory. if you find a folder named "Core", you're in the right place
activate in main menu

*don't have steam, I'm assuming steam mods work the same way
I'm from Austria. If I offend you, it's usually inadvertently.
Snowmen army, Chemfuel Generator, Electric Stonecutting, Smelting Tweak


This assumes you have the steam version, but just want to play on the non steam version.

1. Download the mod through the Steam Workshop. (maybe run the game to check it has downloaded.)

2. In the workshop page for that mod right click "Copy Page URL" and paste it into your browser (or Notepad you just need the URL).
You should have a URL like this:

Note the Number after the id= this is the ID of the workshop mod.

3. Go to your Workshop Content Folder on your computer.
Mine is "C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100" the default is probably "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100" depending on where steam is installed. 294100 is the steam game ID for Rimworld.

4. This Folder will have a bunch of subfolders with numbers. These are the mods from the workshop. Find the Folder with the ID of the mod that you want to copy. (from step 2) Copy this folder into the Mods folder of your sendowl version. You may want to rename the folder to something more helpful.

5. You should not be able to activate the mod in Rimworld the same as if you downloaded it from the forums. This will not auto update.


Unfortunately, RimWorld seems to have disallowed direct downloads of mods, but here's an upload of the mod you're looking for: Facial Stuff


Quote from: just-a-bird on January 22, 2017, 08:28:21 AM
Unfortunately, RimWorld seems to have disallowed direct downloads of mods, but here's an upload of the mod you're looking for: Facial Stuff

Wonder if this is a thing Tynan has control over, and if he set it that way, or had no idea this exists and would  change it if he knew? Prob needs a thread by itself in support.


Quote from: Jaxxa on January 20, 2017, 08:43:49 PM
This assumes you have the steam version, but just want to play on the non steam version.

This gives me a reason to use the steam key, if I ever bring my laptop somewhere that has Wi-Fi.
Quote from: just-a-bird on January 22, 2017, 08:28:21 AM
Unfortunately, RimWorld seems to have disallowed direct downloads of mods, but here's an upload of the mod you're looking for: Facial Stuff

Thanks for the link,  I had got it from another thread that someone posted a link to killfaces github account.