Research screen unusable.

Started by TehArgz, January 22, 2017, 01:50:42 PM

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I use a lot of mods.  Over the weekend I installed a few more and now some of the important research items have been pushed out of the bottom of the research screen and are not accessible.

There are a few remedies for this that I can think of, but I wonder if anyone else has any bright ideas.  I could just use the devmode to complete the research projects (this is what I am considering).  I could also go thru and disable mods until it is fixed, I don't really want to do this.
Are there any other options I am not considering?


This is a known issue caused by having too many mods that add new research. These are some recent threads on it:

I think this is going to be addressed in the next release (although can't find the quote by Tynan on this right now). Edit - Here is the quote (the yellow text above the quote acts as a link to the thread it's taken from)

Quote from: Tynan on January 04, 2017, 04:52:02 PM
Okay, I've addressed this. There will be tabs, as well as vertical scrolling as needed.

Modders could add a simple layout engine to work on just their tabs.

In the meantime, the following mod has been suggested in the above to threads as a solution to this problem: (please note I can not personally vouch for whether or not the following mod solves the issue, as I'm only going by what others have posted).



I remember this mod now that you mention it.  I'll give it a shot.