[A16] hauling to stockpile bug

Started by Xav, January 25, 2017, 08:57:23 PM

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If two pawns are hauling two of same type of item to the same destination, after pawn 1 is assigned the task to haul item 1 to stockpile 1 (which is only 1 tile and is configured to accept the type of item), pawn 2 can not haul item 2 (of the same type as item 1) to the same stockpile 1 until after pawn 1's hauling task is complete or cancelled even though the stockpile can hold the total amount of item 1 and 2.


I may be wrong but I think this isn't really a bug, it is how the game handles hauling and stacks. Pawns reserve the stacks that deal with the hauling job they are working on, so pawn A reserves both the source item stack, and the destination stack(even if an empty tile), that means pawn B cannot reserve the destination stack/tile at the same time. It is meant to prevent race conditions in stockpiles.


Xav is correct in that it's kind of derpy. But, this is how the reservation system works. It would be nice if they could do partial reservations but that would be so complex and it's such a small thing that I'm choosing to direct our dev efforts elsewhere. Thanks for reporting either way.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog