My Doctors feeding raw food...

Started by Taurec, January 26, 2017, 11:57:27 AM

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I play a game as tribe. Now i have a outbreak of flu, three colonists are ill. My doctors only feed raw food, but i have enough pemmican in the same store. Why they doing this? I can't believe, that raw food is good for ill patients.


Might be some kind of priority thing - I see this occasionally with nutripaste maybe pemmican suffers from the same? I'd suggest leaving some pemmican in hospital but I haven't yet found a way to split stockpiles evenly reliably. Currently I forbid meals and kitchen/fridge but it's quite the micromanagement. Berries and corn as alternative?


I have the problem that my colonist want to eat raw food even when meals are available. Or my animals running over to my lavish meals when kibble is available. Generally I insure that meals are closer then raw food to tables and all works out.

You can keep animals form eating human meals by restricting them form you food stocks and allowing them to eat form stockpiles set to only kibble and or hay.


just a heads up.  Ascetic pawns PREFER raw food.  they get no mood penalty from it and no mood boost from meals (meals still use less overall food though)

ascetic pawns will grab raw food over meals.  it is possible, though I don't actually KNOW, that ascetic doctors feed raw food OR doctors properly feed raw food to ascetic PATIENTS


I know this with the ascetics. I have only one person with this trait, but he was not ill, and he is no doctor.


Quote from: Taurec on January 27, 2017, 06:40:37 PM
I know this with the ascetics. I have only one person with this trait, but he was not ill, and he is no doctor.
k, just checking. 

Have you tried setting one square of stockpile on critical in your hospital with appropriate food?


I think, it has to do with the pemmican. Now i can have cooled stores and i produce only the three normal rations. Since them the patients get no raw food more, without the asket. :)