Skipping time to age faster or for other reasons.

Started by Iqew, March 21, 2017, 08:27:10 AM

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I've been thinking recently about adding children into the game and how to balance the mechanic in the event of it actually happening so this stupid brain of mine said "Hey, why don't we add a skip x years of time button."

My idea would be that after you input the x years, the game would do some "post-processing" to the colony. Make the people older, add some random events. Maybe in 10 years a hive infestation grew in your freezer and caused a food crisis. Or, maybe everytime something bad happens, the game gives you a decision whether to solve it yourself (therefore stopping the time skip temporarily) or let the game self solve the problem.

It would be a really cool feature in the event of children being a thing. Not sure how it would affect other mechanics tho.