Yes, i have more ideas. and they're mostly about animals.

Started by Mitz, January 29, 2017, 08:28:30 AM

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You know how sad colonists get when half their family dies, right? well, what if we could have a small chance to remove that thought...
with therapy animals?
some animals have a specific tag saying they are capable of being therapy animals. some animals, like deer, cannot be trained for that. the animals, like huskies and labs, are always capable. the animals go through training, and once done, if a colonist is sad about something, or stuck in a bed, the colonist can have a therapy animal come over and comfort the person.
bonded animals can only be therapy for their owners, but need no training. because, seriously, some animals can be attached to their owners, like you know nowadays, if a artic fox for example is bonded to someone named joe and joe dies, the animal goes manhunter. shows the artic fox is attached to joe and the same back.
seriously, i have a siamese cat who simply is a therapy cat and allows me to do things cats normally don't allow. he normally wouldn't have the capability to be a therapy cat but he allows him to be my therapy cat.
another thing i thought of was, why not allow bonded animals to be pets to their human? they won't be able to command them, but they'd probably think "___'s owner" with less of a boost but still not a debuff.
yeah, i was thinking hard.
i hope this is enough. thanks for reading.
It's sad autism's an insult, then i must be an insult.
and my cat also must be an insult, as well as every other cat in the universe.
space cats.