Caves, so animals can hide from harsh weather

Started by b0rsuk, January 29, 2017, 06:44:00 PM

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Rimworld finally has enough functionality that caves can be implemented. It used to be that any tile connected to outdoors was automatically outdoor. Now we can have areas with no doors but with (constructed) roof.

If caves are implemented, it would enable interesting weather events like sandstorms.



Quote from: Scoundreya on January 30, 2017, 10:13:22 AM
How do caves relate to, or cause sandstorms?
I think the relationship that b0rsuk is referring to is that if sandstorms were introduced right now, and they were in some way harmful or deadly to living beings, then there'd probably need to be an option available for wildlife to escape the sandstorm so as prevent every sandstorm becoming an animal apocalypse. Caves could/would be that option, and so they would allow events like sandstorms to be implemented.


Yes, that's what I meant. I was thinking about something else while typing that post. We don't want a simple weather event to wipe out most animal life.


The game should let the map-spawned animals to leave the map temporarily, and migrate back. They'll still be the same creature too.


Quote from: b0rsuk on January 30, 2017, 11:14:04 AM
Yes, that's what I meant. I was thinking about something else while typing that post. We don't want a simple weather event to wipe out most animal life.

Sadly Toxic Fallout already does that :( It makes my rainforest maps look so barren LOL