Trying to improve bandage making in vegetable garden, something seems missing...

Started by Tanelorn, January 31, 2017, 08:56:24 PM

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Hi all. Vegetable garden gives you the ability to make bandage kits at the tailor bench and the drug table. The problem is, you can only use cloth and not the new fabrics of hemp and linen. I went into the mod and searched for the recipe, but amazingly it doesn't exist!!! There is a definition for the bandage kit which lists its cost and where it can be made, but it's not a recipe so I don't think I can use the code for optional ingredients. I would greatly appreciate some advice here. Can I safely make a recipe for it as there doesn't seem to be one?

  <ThingDef ParentName="VG_ResourceBase">
    <label>Bandage Kit</label>
    <description>A pack of bandages made from cloth. Less potent than medical kits.</description>