[Mod request] Quality of life improvements and extras

Started by crusader2010, February 11, 2017, 06:30:30 PM

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Hello. Here are some ideas I would like implemented in the game as different mods (or even a single one). If any of them are already present in an existing mod (even a non-released one), please let me know!

  • A search box in the research tree, with a button to jump to each project containing the text (both in the title and in the description)
  • A way to compare weapons/apparel before crafting them. Outfitter does this in a way for clothes, but not exactly what I have in mind. The most suitable way would be through a menu (like Research, Assign, etc); simply show all the weapons/apparel you can currently craft (in 2 separate sections), allow me to tick a checkbox on the ones I want, then to press a button which will open a new contextual window (like the Compare Apparel Score from Outfitter mod). Here, all the stats will be written top-down, with each item on a different column, in order to immediately spot the differences. Would be probably best to make it compatible with Combat Realism :D
  • A way to improve the beauty factor of the natural stone walls from the map (i.e. all the walls that were/are not built by someone, like mountains). I do not want a "cheat" fix for this, but rather some way to build tapestries of increasingly better beauty and apply them on the walls. Basically like a carpet for walls that will change their appearance into something nicer without having to mine them and build your own.
  • Adding quality to stone blocks, differently than usual. When using the Stonecutter's Table we could have 5 possibilities for the desired quality: improvised, rough, normal, improved, superior. You choose one, and the stacks of stone blocks made at the table will have better stats: -20%, -10%, 0%, +10%, +20% more hit points for everything crafted with those blocks. The better the chosen quality, the more time it takes to make the blocks (and vice versa), like -40%, -20%, 0%, +30%, +60%. Not many will use the quick crafting options, but linked with my next idea there could be some situations where it is viable. This idea can be expanded to other crafting tables (eg: food - meals provide less/more nutrition, but take less/more time to be crafted). Basically, I want to apply the quality trait to some items for which it doesn't do anything right now and balance it in terms of crafting time. If you craft something from combined stacks in terms of quality, the result should be a weighted average.
  • An approximate "mob" timer. By mob I mean raids, mechanoids, mad animals, manhunter packs - basically anything that can move and come for your colonists in some form or another (not poison ships and such, for example). This timer will provide an approximate countdown, in hours, until the next mob appears. This is NOT a general disaster timer (i.e. showing the time between disasters show up). The approximation should be balanced, like +/-1 day. Obviously, this should require extensive research and resources to build and can even be the first target mobs go for when attacking your colony.
  • More details when pressing the "I" button on the animals from a trader. The missing key info is the kind of skills you can train that animal (e.g: it doesn't say anywhere that a monkey cannot be trained to haul things because it's too small. I think there are more game objects that should have more information displayed when pressing that button, but I don't remember which ones.
  • Allow building doors/walls and other objects over unbuilt power conduits.
  • Add more information for turrets, when selecting them as well as in the build menu (like explosion range, explosion damage, shot cooldown, range, warmup, etc). Would be really nice to have a way to improve their beauty factor and to make quality influence their stats.
  • Wireless power for forward defenses :) should be costly to build and quite inefficient, with some research options to improve it a bit.
  • Camouflage. For both pawns and turrets. Makes them invisible to enemies unless close enough or using certain items/tech/gear/etc to make spotting easier.
  • A complete overhall of the gear wore by pawns, in terms of stats. I would like to see, in an obvious/intuitive way, each section of the body with the %armor value for the different types of damage, as well as what apparel covers what parts, with the differences (in covered body parts and values) when I want to change the gear with something else.

My mod pack: {A13} Mod Mega Pack