Racism and Prejudice

Started by EnricoDandolo, March 11, 2017, 03:04:46 PM

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It could be a character trait, an instinct for birds of a feather to stick together and push away the different.

The scenario of developing a hatred towards a broad category based on personal experience ought to reflect  patterns of behavior endemic to the species. For example, if pirates only come to murder and destroy, then it might be appropriate to develop a categorical hatred of pirates.
My 5-point rating system: Yay, Kay, Meh, Erm, Bleh


While such things may add a bit more flavour to the relations between the pawns I personally don't see the point.
The actual impact is very small but it requires quite a bit of work for Tynan to flesh that out.

And I can already see the butthurted clickbait articles which scream "Nazi racist Rimworld update!!!111" and people getting their forks and torches out...


Well, a certain amount of xenophobia is very normal. People will be attracted to, and identify with people who match them, and people who are different, are viewed with cation, because we DONT KNOW if they are dangerous or not.

Another thing to keep in mind : this is a huge element with pirates too, I bet, where I doubt they are as brutal with each other, but others outside are treated as "subhuman", and are raped, killed, robbed, ect. Its very common for this approach to happen in the world, just look at the tootsie genocie

Quoteforks and torches
I think the drug addicts who get so butthurt use butter knives and torches, but whatever suits your fancy.  :D ZING!
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Quote from: mumblemumble on March 12, 2017, 02:42:16 PM
Quote from: grrizo on March 12, 2017, 02:37:35 PM
racism can get a lot of angry

But prejudice can work on the game

Whats the difference between prejudice based on race, and very minor racism?

also, prejudice is a non issue, if followed by rejudice
It's all about how you manage the public image of your game. Maybe its silly, but you can make a character with prejudice towards other one's origin without calling it "xenophobia" and no one will notice it.
Lavish meal, now with extra Yorkshire terrier meat.


You got an interesting point : people are VERY emotional about words, without examining what they are, or their effects.

.... Wish political correctness would die first though. Its almost like people don't want discussion

but a sad reality is you often need to worry about the lowest common denominator.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Is it one of the mods that introduces prosthophobia/prosthophilia? That's sort of like bigotry.

Maybe if we ever get non-baseline humans, we can do it that way without opening too many cans of worms? Basically like Star Trek - normals and augments. They dislike each other, augments get a +15 to various skills, but are rare. You could try to have a colony of just augments, but then you'd have to be very selective in recruiting, and figure out what to do with the bodies.


Is it biggotry if its a choice?

I mean, many of these might not be, but I'm just putting it out there...
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Quote from: mumblemumble on March 13, 2017, 03:40:06 PM
Is it biggotry if its a choice?

I mean, many of these might not be, but I'm just putting it out there...

Well, regarding these over-the-top reaction to even slightest, sometimes even non-existent, racism and the like is a VERY dangerous thing to handle nowadays.
People tend to get offended by things that are tiny. But if they smell the littlest hint of racism, oh boy. Thise people are not great in numbers, but very great in presenting themselves. And with the internet, they have a HUGE publicum to shout at. Of which some will just hop on the hate, no matter the truth.

The article on RPS which was linked here somewhere showed this.
I would like the idea in general, but the risk of Tynan and Ludeon getting a shitstorm out of this is damn high for such small impact on the actual game I think.


humans are animals - unmolded we can be horrible creatures
it feels good to be an animal - it can feel good to be horrible.

these people have found something that tells them its ok to be horrible.

that yes you can get that awesome feeling from being a horrible piece of shit to anyone you want - BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO FEEL BAD ABOUT IT

the PC world is quickly becoming less and less... horrible. and these people still need to feel like animals. but in order to do that they have to feel vindicated and righteous, it needs to somehow be ok that they are being horrible, or else they are the very thing they hate.

so now - anything can be horrible. who knows whats right - who knows if things are really horrible or if i just dont even know my ass from the hole in the ground, subjective or objective? what is life?

no. you know what a bad person is. you have known since you were a child. these are bad people. they want to do the things bad people do, and they do them.


Are you arguing that you shouldn't feel bad for being a horrible person?

And why on Earth do you believe this if you are?
Quote from: Tynan on December 02, 2016, 05:24:06 PM
This is like being in a remote fishing town in Libera and asking, "Why can't I just pay one of the fishermen $10 to take me back to Los Angeles?"


Meow, heres a question : Which is more "horrible" to you?

Being cautious around a minority out of fear for safety, due to prejudice against race


Killing a bunch of people with equality to race

....I think people really get overboard on the effects of "racism" and why its bad. If you want to say someone is a horrible person, you must make an argument for exactly why they are, with more than just calling them a racist or bigot : remember, bigot is anyone who doesn't tolerate outside opinions, and racist is treating people unfair due to race... ..So SJW's are very often "bigoted" and "racist" too.

So please : Why is he a horrible person?

Context is all important
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


Look, I never said he was a bad person. But he said "yes you can get that awesome feeling from being a horrible piece of shit to anyone you want - BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO FEEL BAD ABOUT IT." So that makes me think he thinks it is alright to be horrible to others and that you don't have to feel empathy or guilt about being a bad person, which is an opinion I don't agree with because other people's feelings matter to me.
Quote from: Tynan on December 02, 2016, 05:24:06 PM
This is like being in a remote fishing town in Libera and asking, "Why can't I just pay one of the fishermen $10 to take me back to Los Angeles?"


Ahh, sorry, I didn't examine the context

I just really get agitated when someone generalizing a group is treated worse than say, beheading a small child or something. Or when people insist awful things done by a group shouldn't be mentioned, because that group is "oppressed". Treat people equally, treating them different MAKES them different.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


I don't think people think that racism is any worse than murder, they are just in a different context. Most groups that do bad things either aren't oppressed, or people that do bad things just happen to belong to a larger oppressed group. Even if someone is a criminal and is oppressed for any reason besides their being a criminal (and even then, it's only ok to keep rights from criminals if it would be a direct protection to the populace, for example, if they were a murderer and wanted to join the police force where there could be a chance of them using police weapons to commit crimes) they still deserve equal rights.
Quote from: Tynan on December 02, 2016, 05:24:06 PM
This is like being in a remote fishing town in Libera and asking, "Why can't I just pay one of the fishermen $10 to take me back to Los Angeles?"


True, its a balance of "what is best for everyone at large". Try to always make stuff work, but when things are conflicted, consider which has the least ramifications.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.