Pawns Freezing Causing Red Error Spams

Started by Cynsity702, March 15, 2017, 07:48:50 PM

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Error Code:

I'll have some pawns come in(guests) and they'll have addictions. They'll roam around for a bit and then they will somehow become unconscious and spam my game. I am not sure what is causing the error but it happens periodically and i have to use debug mode and kill the pawn/pawns. Can anyone help me?


Can you please post your full log file as an attachment. Details on where to find your log file can be found in the following thread. . And can you please confirm whether or not you are using any mods (although your log file should be able to confirm this).


Could you please upload a savefile where this is happening? Thanks.


I have a hard time with the log because of the errors overloading, but i will do what i can to provide you guys with what you need. Thanks for replying.


I think this bug is already fixed in A17. Thanks for reporting