Hit in the liver... dies instantly

Started by Wishmaster, March 18, 2017, 06:11:44 PM

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Sometime pawns got shot straight in their liver, and dies instantly because that reduces their blood filtration to 0%.

That's kind of frustrating. I think you should have a delay to get him another one, harvested from one of your prisoner.

I suggest that low blood filtration values grows a specific hediff "full of toxins" that would become lethal of a matter of days or even hours, so you have time to operate him.

Perhaps the same thing could be applied to the heart and blood pumping but you have to act in a matter of minutes instead.

O Negative


While I disagree for the heart, I 100% agree for the Liver and Kidneys.

Adding an appropriate hediff giver to the organic hediff giver set responsible for things like Heatstroke, Hypothermia, Bleeding, etc. wouldn't be hard to do. It would just check to see if blood filtration (or other capacity) is below a certain threshold, and would apply the bad hediff over time. Would be nice to have a medicinal drug as an option to slow the progression, too. :)

A reservation might be the fact that players would be able to remove more organs than they already can, and sell them to merchants for quick silver. Just a minor balance issue, if you ask me.


This would represent how it works irl much better. Your pawn would have about a week of getting sicker and sicker before death with no liver or kidney, etc.

As for the heart you're pretty much dead within minutes so I don't think representing that at the speed of the game would make any sense. What might be 2 minutes for a pawn is not far from instant in irl time.


+1. I was a little shocked that harvesting a prisoner's liver was instantly fatal... My plan had been to take the liver last and then release the poor shlub.

The "full of toxins" thing would be a good way to implement this. It would open up the possibility of researching a machine that would allow a doctor to filter your blood a few times a week, a treatment similar to what the game currently has for asthma.
Quote from: sadpickle on August 01, 2018, 05:03:35 PM
I like how they saw the naked guy with no food and said, "what he needs is an SMG."



Great idea. The hediff is even already in the game - Toxic Buildup from the fallout event.

Maybe this means that toxic buildup is always going on for all (non-mech) pawns, and normal blood filtration keeps it to negligible levels. Losing a kidney should leave them still able to keep it down, but without much safety margin; losing both kidneys or the liver means it starts to build up fast.



"Losing a kidney should leave them still able to keep it down, but without much safety margin"

Safety margin ? Do you mean toxic buildup should go higher with lower a blood filtration but would be limited ?


I think (s)he's saying that toxic buildup should be a thing that affects all pawns all the time (because of biologic metabolic processes). Blood filtration acts to counter toxic buildup, so you won't even see it as a health condition most of the time. Someone​ who loses a kidney (or donates one IRL) can still filter blood normally - there's just less margin for error. And someone who loses both of them wouldn't be instantly dead, but WOULD experience fatal toxic buildup eventually.

Then the toxic weather event just adds to what nature (the pawn's own body) is already doing - creating toxic waste that must be dealt with.


Quote from: milon on March 21, 2017, 10:10:57 AM
I think (s)he's saying that toxic buildup should be a thing that affects all pawns all the time (because of biologic metabolic processes). Blood filtration acts to counter toxic buildup, so you won't even see it as a health condition most of the time. Someone​ who loses a kidney (or donates one IRL) can still filter blood normally - there's just less margin for error. And someone who loses both of them wouldn't be instantly dead, but WOULD experience fatal toxic buildup eventually.

Then the toxic weather event just adds to what nature (the pawn's own body) is already doing - creating toxic waste that must be dealt with.

Right. I've been playing with toxic fallout as a permanent map condition lately, and I've noticed as soon as the level goes below about 4% it's no longer displayed. It's presumably still there, but asymptomatic.

So my suggestion is that all pawns would constantly be generating toxic buildup, but more slowly than they do from toxic fallout, and slowly enough that it stays asymptomatic, because normal blood filtration clears it at (say) 150% the rate that it's building up. Then if they lose a kidney - I'm not sure how much that actually affects blood filtration - but say it takes it to 75%, then that means they're clearing the toxic stuff at just 113% the rate that it's building up. Any further loss of function, or anything that causes it to build up faster, will affect them more and sooner than healthy pawns.

Losing the liver would maybe take blood filtration to 50%, so then they're only able to clear 75% of their natural toxic buildup and it eventually (quickly) becomes a problem. IRL I think liver failure will kill you pretty quickly, like less than a day, but there's time for an emergency transplant.