Making my first mod! Basic problems!

Started by DrFlaggstaff, March 25, 2017, 11:25:13 PM

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Hey guys, long story short I've begun looking into making mods, beginning with this game. I've made some progress, created a new table, item (And I think I've even added a new graphic but I'm trying to test that now),

Originally, I was just copying/changing and adding sections of code

The latest edition of my changes has grown to 5 total file changes, and I've tried to separate the code into separate .xml files (with the same names as the originals), so that I can finally have a Mod folder in the mod tab.

A 0.0.1 if you will.

When the game begins, I get an error message about 'incorrect target version', not too sure what it means. I have attached every file addition I've made so far. They were working just fine before I separated them from the original files and tried to add my own textures folder. Currently, I call it the Genetic Expansion Pack.

When loading the game, it gives me the message:
Mod Genetic Expansion Pack has incorrectly formatted target version 'Unknown'. For the current version, write: <targetVersion>0.16.1393</targetVersion>
Verse.Log:ErrorOnce(String, Int32)

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The target version is defined in your "About.xml" file, but since you haven't included that, it's hard to tell what you might have done wrong.
- Rainbeau Flambe (aka Darryl Burgdorf) -
Old. Short. Grumpy. Bearded. "Yeah, I'm a dorf."

Buy me a Dr Pepper?


You need to make a folder called About in the same place as your Defs and Assemblies folder.

In that folder you need an xml file called "About" filled out like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <name>Mod Name</name>
  <author>Auther Name</author>
  <url>Your Website</url>
  <description>Mod Description</description>

Target version is the only important one, the rest like author or url aren't mandatory.  If it's not set to the current version your mod will show up as outdated.


Thanks guys for the quick responses! Answer #2 solved it, I was missing an About file. Thank you very much, but now I've reach a new problem.

Apparently, it "finds no usable data from the WorkGivers file". I added an Li line under Crafting that says "geic", the defname of the table I added in the Buildings_Production file.

Without this file, my pawns won't work at the GEIC and I can't assign them to. When I had it in the game's coding, it worked just fine, but duplicating it didn't seem to work. I've attached them again in case I made any minor changes I didn't note. Spot the issue?

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