[Mod request] Changed eating behavior

Started by crusader2010, April 07, 2017, 11:29:51 AM

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Hello! The idea is quite simple actually (don't know if it's been suggested before):
- instead of having an activity called "Eating", make it more granular such that it contains more possible sub-activities. With this, one more survival aspect can be added: drinking! (non-alcoholic liquids).

Isn't it strange that after eating a lavish meal made up of a few kinds of meat and vegetables your pawns don't require any beverages? Well, I believe they should also drink something if they are to survive.

How much does drinking take up from our eating periods? Maybe 10-20%? No, it doesn't matter that you do it after you eat or during the meal.

Basically it boils down to this:
- create common drinks and ways to make them (water, fruit juice, etc);
- create containers with proper weight values and volumes (for simplicity, e.g., 1 bottle = 1litre = 1kg weight).
- create a new characteristic - Thirst;
- make it have different levels requiring different amounts of liquids to get rid of, over a small period of time;
- include Thirst in the "Eating" activity as taking up max 20% of it;
- make pawns always get something to drink as well as food (when they need to eat);
- if not having any refreshments to drink over a period of maybe 4 days(on average), they simply die of thirst;
- further possible enhancements to the idea:
* alcohol increases thirst after some time;
* weather conditions affect how quickly pawns can die of thirst(e.g. In the desert - less than a day);
* pawns can eat snow to replace the need for water but that makes them exhausted rather quickly and depending on the quantity eaten (yes, the body needs to expend more energy to liquefy/melt the snow and process it as water);
* under dire circumstances pawns can drink the water from puddles and such, with a high risk of getting really dangerous diseases;
* under the same dire cases, pawns can drink sea water but have an ever increasing chance of going crazy and doing some nasty stuff, as well as having their organs damaged permanently;
* some types of meals can quench thirst by some degree (e.g. Soup);

Obviously, there should be a way to restrict pawns from drinking certain beverages (and/or from different "natural" sources).


My mod pack: {A13} Mod Mega Pack


Well I would love to add this for you it's beyond my capabilities. I will point out though that Tynan has no plans to add it to the game, as it would be to micro-y. I hope you can find someone to add it for you though.
Don't mind the questions. I'm probably just confused.