Senario Mode- Enemy Weapons explode when droped

Started by Swat_Raptor, April 09, 2017, 07:33:17 AM

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I've been doing some Tribal starts and been finding it actually kinda disappointing that they get decked out with High tech weapons as soon as raiders come, I swarm them in close quarters with clubs, and now I have their weapons.

what if there was a option in the scenario editor to have the enemy weapons get destroyed when they drop them, then you would have much more incentive to produce your own weapons.

Another idea to take it further it would be to disable traders from bringing weapons too. Basically then the idea would be no one wants to supply tribals with weapons.


Sounds sensible to me. I had my tribals decked out in top gear before winter
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Perhaps Guns should break down into components, so that some of the cost of having to make more weapons can be recouped.


Maybe enemy raiders should try to take dropped weapons with them when they flee?  (i.e., they should be allowed to take an extra weapon into inventory while fleeing and be programmed to make a reasonable effort to keep good weapons from falling into enemy hands.)

Also, if a raider gets killed by fire/turret/mortar/grenade/shotgun, I think his weapon (and any armor) should have a high chance of being badly damaged/destroyed.  But a raider surgically downed by a sniper should drop his weapon, undamaged. 


The point of the mode is to be a fun mechanic, to help FORCE you to make your own stuff, not let raiders and traders drop the stuff into your lap, if you start as a tribal then you would have to use the stuff that you can craft.

there is no need to be strongly supported by any sort of realism. There is a feature which makes people explode on death, realism isn't NEEDED, it only needs to be a fun mechanic. Make it so you have to make your own weapons.

If you wanted to have realism behind it think of it as a very advanced and very cheap sort of authentication tech which is input into all firearms and designed to activate when the weapon is separated from its user.

the would also help explain why tribal people are Never seen with any advanced weapons.

back story wise it could be supported by the idea that if some tribals get their hands on some advanced weapons they can take over & absorb a lot of other tribes and easily and become a huge roaming war party which have a special disdain for outlanders and pirates, one because they are considered outsiders, and second because the smart warlords know that they can get more advanced weapons from these factions.

and so to prevent such a scenario from occurring standard practice has become to install all firearms with authentication/self destruct features. 

this would only make sense to affect firearms.


I'd imagine that would be pretty easy to do, since it happens with inferno cannons and heavy charge blasters and there's an xml flag for it.  If that flag also means they're destroyed when colonists put down the weapon, then it'd mean some more work, though :(
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Quote from: Greep on April 10, 2017, 02:45:24 PM
I'd imagine that would be pretty easy to do, since it happens with inferno cannons and heavy charge blasters and there's an xml flag for it.  If that flag also means they're destroyed when colonists put down the weapon, then it'd mean some more work, though :(

yea that seems to be controlled by the line <DestroyOnDrop>True/False
so that feature seems be too general to work for this idea.