Halo inspired event/gamemode

Started by KillTyrant, April 14, 2017, 05:17:37 PM

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Okay ill first say im not sure if this should go in the suggestion section or not but atm i kind of just want to discuss and bang out details on how this could actually work. That said, let me try to coherently elaborate.

Im sure many of you guys and gals know if the Halo series as well as some of the protagonists. I want to specifically talk about the flood and how their mechanics might be a cool change of pace in rimworld (obviously this in my opinion) Anywho, I was attackrd by a massive tribal force and it vaguely reminded me of the feral stage of the flood. Huge numbers and super aggressive but lack cohesion. Once that idea entered my head, I couldnt help but think how cool it would be if their was an entity that behaved like the flood with the different stages of evolution as well. Obviously, this is just a husk of an idea and im sure there is flaws/issues with my idea but im curious if anyone else is at least interested in an enemy like this and how they might function.

ps I typed this on my phone so sorry for any typos or weird wordings.


I'd say this belongs in suggestions.

As for the actual suggestion you've made, there is a zombie invasion mod(I don't know if it's A16 yet) and as you mentioned we already have tribals.

On a less serious not what kind of monster would you have to be to suggest adding the flood? That was the stuff of nightmares.
Don't mind the questions. I'm probably just confused.


I think it would be cool to have an enemy that collects bodies to add to its biomass to improve its knowledge/technology and instead of bases its graveminds.

Also I kinda liked the flood. From how they attack and multiply to how accurate their name describes them.


I do see where your coming from. The flood are one of the coolest alien races I've seen. That doesn't make them any less terrifying.
Don't mind the questions. I'm probably just confused.


Indeed, thats what I would love to see in this game. An absolutely terrifying enemy that gets stronger and better the weaker they make you. In a game wherr people eat each other and harvest organs, I would like an enemy that still feels like its violating an unspoken rule.


Don't mind the questions. I'm probably just confused.


When one of your colonists are downed by a raider, the raider doesnt go up to said pawn and knife them to death, they will walk past him/her and continue on their way. I think there is some sort of unspoken rule that AI follows that I would want this flood inspired enemy to ignore