possibilities with steam workshop?

Started by Neotic, April 29, 2017, 07:26:04 AM

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"A new class of incidents that initiate quest opportunities on the world map. These are driven by a new combinatorial "site" system that allows us to create destinations to go to out of multiple "pieces". This creates more variation than we would get if we just had single quest destinations. Now we can take any "site core" from a library, surround it with "site parts" from another library and the system will generate them all together. So, you could have a core that is a stash of gold, and add on "manhunter animals" and "abandoned turret line" around it, and the map generator will combine those. The number of possible combinations can get large quickly. This update will keep it pretty basic, but for future updates I hope to have larger site part libraries, which will create massive variation."

I'm excited for this in Alpha 17, but will users be able to create the on quests if its just pieces from a library? I think it would be interesting to see user made quests in the game