[A17/B18] Orbital Hubs United - Dropships 1.2 (14.02.2018)

Started by Cpt.Ohu, April 23, 2017, 03:44:16 PM

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You don't want understand it, sure planes/helicopter got a designed payload. You can equip this places with weapon,bombs or fuell/cargopods.

Ofcourse you can say, you want put cargo/fuelpods into the the weapon mounts of your dropship.
That is fine. But i think this is hard to code.


Quote from: Canute on October 07, 2017, 11:05:16 AM
Planes/helicopter got a designed payload. You can equip this places with weapon,bombs or fuell/cargopods.

Did I mention the possibility of Shields and Armor Types ?
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


If you are going to add a dedicated Transport ship might I suggest an Assault Ship with more weapons but little room for cargo, like a Valkyrie or Thunderhawk, but more Rimworldy.
Part time XML reverse engineering officer. Can maybe fix XML some of the time...


Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


When I get my colonist to enter the ship, the loading bar [the one when you start to do things for an example: growing potatos] goes up to the end, but when it reaches it, it restarts and my colonist is still outside, and I kept waiting like 2-3 minutes and my colonist was still trying to enter the ship. Help, please.


I never encountered this problem.
The single case I can think of is that there is not enough room for your pawn.
Draft and Undraft the Pawn, this resets his active work and removes him from the loading list ( i think )

If you now check on the passengers screen you will see the absolute weight of your pawn ( his own weight plus every piece of equipment hes wearing ) and If you still have enough cargo space on the ship.
A pawn requires to things to enter a ship.
First a free seat. Second enough free cargo space to carry his aboslute weight.

Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Well, I made a big ship, 1k cargo space OHU Dropship, tried to just make one colonist enter, He didn't enter. I drafted,undrafted multiple times, yet, failure. My colonist had like 1/10 of the cargo weight, and was only one that had been ordered to enter the ship, nobody before him entered it, it's just a loop, I also have modifications: HugsLib, Rimfridge,Vegetable Garden,Glitter Tech,Basic Bridges,Hospitality,Save Our Ship,Tiberium Rim & Factions and of course OHU Ships that are activated, Save Our Ship adds few things to ship category including doors and "wall" it also affects the ship's code, it could be the case, I'm not sure, I'll edit the message if that mod will be the case, if not, then not.



Quote from: ekcja on October 10, 2017, 12:19:31 PM
Well, I made a big ship, 1k cargo space OHU Dropship, tried to just make one colonist enter, He didn't enter. I drafted,undrafted multiple times, yet, failure. My colonist had like 1/10 of the cargo weight, and was only one that had been ordered to enter the ship, nobody before him entered it, it's just a loop, I also have modifications: HugsLib, Rimfridge,Vegetable Garden,Glitter Tech,Basic Bridges,Hospitality,Save Our Ship,Tiberium Rim & Factions and of course OHU Ships that are activated, Save Our Ship adds few things to ship category including doors and "wall" it also affects the ship's code, it could be the case, I'm not sure, I'll edit the message if that mod will be the case, if not, then not.

I say Save Our Ship should not influence the Dropships, because they are based on Droppods rather than SpaceShips and has it's own code definitions, no other mod should be able to interfere with.
I can't confirm GlitterTech and TiberiumRim yet, but all the other Mods are save.
Try putting the dropships last, or switch with SpaceShips ..

My guess is that it is some Interaction between GlitterTech and TiberiumRim, because both are pretty big content overhauls.
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


I disabled those mods, yet the same result, I may be using the old rimwolrd alpha 17 version, I didn't update the game with the hotfixes, this may be the case?


 :o :o

u what ? .. no install performance patch r u m4d br0 ?

you should absolutely try updating rimworld  ..
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


Yeah, I did update it and it  seems like it works, thanks for help. I didn't update it earlier because I didn't want to, I just wanted to play and I didn't care about the patch, but now I do.


Quote from: ekcja on October 11, 2017, 02:18:01 AM
Yeah, I did update it and it  seems like it works, thanks for help. I didn't update it earlier because I didn't want to, I just wanted to play and I didn't care about the patch, but now I do.

You don't play many PC Games, do you  ?  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


I'm experiencing a strange bug. I got a "ghost" sprite of my airship stuck on the map, even after I deconstructed the actual ship. The ghost also remains even after loading-unloading the save.
EDIT: I managed to remove it by manually editing a save and removing this entry:
I've also been getting duplicate caravans which are empty, I still have to figure out what is causing them.
EDIT#2: Encountered another issue in my save, whenever I selected a new vessel and clicked on the set parking button the game's UI would crash hard, becoming irresponsive except for the menu button on lower right. Upon closer inspection the fleet manager had a null entry (probably from deleting the stuck sprite) on its list alongside my vessel. After removing it the set parking spot button started working properly again.
Quote<thing Class="OHUShips.ShipBase_Traveling">
<pos>(162, 0, 180)</pos>
<destinationCell>(-1000, -1000, -1000)</destinationCell>
<pos>(162, 0, 180)</pos>
<SlotName>Front Gun</SlotName>
<posOffset>(4, 0, 0)</posOffset>
<posOffset>(4.0, 0.0, 0.0)</posOffset>
<posOffset>(-1000, -1000, -1000)</posOffset>
<posOffset>(-1000.0, -1000.0, -1000.0)</posOffset>
<ShipNick>Nova Hammer</ShipNick>
<ParkingPosition>(162, 0, 180)</ParkingPosition>
<pos>(162, 0, 176)</pos>
<lastAttackedTarget>(0, 0, 0)</lastAttackedTarget>
<stunner />
<assignedSlotName>Front Gun</assignedSlotName>
<loadedBombs />
<innerContainer Class="Verse.ThingOwner`1[Verse.Thing]">
<innerList />


I've had a problem with a few pawns disappearing from a ship, here is what happened:

I load 4xcolonists + 4xcamels + some stuff, drop into a empty tile first, then launch again onto an anomaly where I drop onto an enemy base and have to fight off turrets and take over the base, which I do with m4 colonists. Since it was a bit of a bloodbath it took some time to micromanage and with running the 2 other colonies I might have saved the game a couple of times until reembarking the ship. That's when I notice that my 4xcamels are gone from the passenger bay... I know for sure that they were there and didn't starve from the 873xhay left in the cargo bay. Seems like they just vanished.