Impossible to recruit "chief"?

Started by The Man with No Name, April 28, 2017, 10:22:15 AM

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Probably whatever the most widely used default RNG is for C#

Run length is a useful property of random numbers. It measures the length of consecutive increasing/decreasing rolls before the next number changes direction, and as it turns out there's a pattern to that distribution.

Winning/losing streaks appear at a rate of about half the previous length. So for a given set of tries, if there were 20 runs of only 1 before changing direction, then there should be about 10 runs of length 2, 5 of length 3 and so on.

So it can be used to measure processes for expected behavior.
My 5-point rating system: Yay, Kay, Meh, Erm, Bleh


Does the storyteller have any influence on recruitment? I know that they can limit captures by insta-killing downed pawns if you are getting too close to whatever arbitrary limit the storyteller wants to impose, but I don't know if they double up by putting their thumb on the scale for recruitment attempts as well.

I would hope that they'd do so my lowering the percent chance that is displayed, rather than showing 1% and really making it 0.1% by fudging the rolls.


Quote from: khearn on May 01, 2017, 01:50:28 PM
Does the storyteller have any influence on recruitment?

Yep. See here.

Quote from: khearn on May 01, 2017, 01:50:28 PMI know that they can limit captures by insta-killing downed pawns if you are getting too close to whatever arbitrary limit the storyteller wants to impose, but I don't know if they double up by putting their thumb on the scale for recruitment attempts as well.

I would hope that they'd do so my lowering the percent chance that is displayed, rather than showing 1% and really making it 0.1% by fudging the rolls.

From what I can tell from the decompiled source code, the DeathOnDownedChance is completely separate from population intent.