Let us decide if people get to join or not.

Started by ReZpawner, May 10, 2017, 03:32:03 PM

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Let us decide who joins our colony.
As it is right now, I have to NOT rescue crashlanded survivors, just because I don't like their skills\traits.

While it's very entertaining to watch their thoughts in their final hours, as they bleed out right in front of my hospital (fully stocked with medicine and capable doctors!), sometimes I do feel like rescuing them. I don't however, want them to join my colony just because I did so.

Wouldn't it be polite to ask?
"Hey, thanks for rescuing me and all, could I join your colony?", then I could tell him to fuck off, and everyone would be happy (atleast in my colony), and they could move on to new adventures, like being mauled by a bear or something - or perhaps even finding another spaceship to crash, thanks to poor piloting skills. All while I get to feel all warm and fuzzy about helping them out.

Maybe I don't feel like letting a pyromaniac join my colony in my lovely wooden marvel of a base? Or some depressed nutter who is going to piss off everyone in the base, before binging on all my yayo and shooting my best doctor in the face with a shotgun.

Just please, let us have a choice here. If we want them to join as it is, we can always arrest them and recruit them that way.

And while we're on the subject of people joining: Could we get to see the refugees who wants us to fight off the pirates on their tail? I would like to know if it would be worth risking the lives of my colonists for them. (it rarely is).


O Negative


Hospitality allows for this, though obviously there's a lot more mod going on than just that; I would be satisfied with a similar recruit option menu like with prisoners;

Allow Guest: Allows the survivor to remain as a guest as long as they like; This will allow them to eat and rest, but not get them to join. Normal social interactions may still raise relationships as normal; This will allow them to remain if there's a hostile environment such as a toxic fallout, or manhunter pack.
Recruit: Actively attempt to recruit them while they're here; Otherwise, treated like "Allow Guest" above, as they can leave when they feel like it.
Arrest: Arrest them as soon as they're able to move, moving them to an available prison cell.
Expel: Expel from the colony as soon as they're able to move, regardless of hostile environments.


Hospitality does sound like a good mod, from all I've heard of it, and if I ever decide to use any mods, I'm sure that one will be one of them. As of now though, I fancy myself a bit of a purist when it comes to Rimworld.


+1 on OPs idea.
It would be nice to reject some wanderer join events at the start of the game

As for hospitality: I didn't care for it too much as it made recruiting pawns too easy. Sure factions were angry with me but I gained back their trust by patching up and returning the wave of Raiders they'd crash against my walls.
The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.


Quote from: ReZpawner on May 10, 2017, 04:07:13 PM
Hospitality does sound like a good mod, from all I've heard of it, and if I ever decide to use any mods, I'm sure that one will be one of them. As of now though, I fancy myself a bit of a purist when it comes to Rimworld.

You really should check some of the mods out, they're pretty great. And, historically, the popular mods tend to get added into the next patches anyway.

I also consider myself a "purist" in that I don't touch mods that seem like they mess with balance (two examples: there's a mod that gives more steel per refine, and a mod that allows more items on one stack. The former obviously makes it easier to collect steel, the latter makes it so you require less storage space). However, I love mods that actually add new elements to the game (new factions, new races, more variety in joy items/furniture, etc).


Has the game changed? It used to be you had to capture and imprison the crashlanders just like everyone else, to be able to convert them.

If you just rescued and healed them up, they would then walk out and leave.

This was in A12-A14


It has indeed changed. I liked it the way it was before, back when you had some control over it.
Now there's a chance they might join if you just rescue them.

Not all the time though, if you find a really good one, chances are that they'll just leave - but rest assured that mr. No skilled, no unskilled, no hauling, pyromaniac, abbrasive will join your crew the moment he's healed up.


Quote from: asanbr on May 13, 2017, 02:14:37 PM
Has the game changed? It used to be you had to capture and imprison the crashlanders just like everyone else, to be able to convert them.

If you just rescued and healed them up, they would then walk out and leave.

This was in A12-A14

As others have said, as of A16 rescued spacers join (I think officially they "have a chance to join", but in my experience they always join).

I agree with the OP on this that having a "chat and recuit" option for landed spacers woud be a good idea, and thanks to the prisoner system there's already a blueprint in place for it (and I've never used Hospitality, but from what I understand it does this already?).

From a storytelling standpoint, sometimes I want to keep my crew small and handpicked, but still want to be an altruistic colony. There's a lot of dissonance to letting a guy bleed out because his stats suck.