[A17.1536] Pawn dies when muscle parasites are treated.

Started by AllenWL, May 13, 2017, 06:58:16 AM

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So I have a prisoner who, under the effects of luciferium, is slowly being removed of every removable thing there is.

Currently, her stats are:
Whole body:
Muscle parasites

Right lung:Removed
Left lung:Removed
Right Kidney:Removed
Left Kidney:Removed
Right hand:scratch scar
Right second toe:Bitten off.

Whenever I treat the parasites, she dies instantly with the message: pawn died from muscle parasites. I started cutting off bits in A17.1530, if that makes any difference.


In A17.1530 there was a bug that allowed pawns to live despite missing a stupid amount of bodyparts (including head) as long as they were on luciferium. It's not a bug, it's just that it wasn't updated. When you perform the surgery, the game checks again, and decides "hey, this person shouldn't be alive".



Yeah, if you've removed any of those parts in the current version, then that's a bug; if they were all removed in 1530, then that's expected behavior. The pawn doesn't know they're supposed to be dead, and they'll update their deadness once you tend to their issues.

If you can do anything to them medically without them spontaneously dying, please attach a savegame and let us know how to do it. Otherwise, enjoy your heartless luciferium zombie while you have her :)
