A17 Population Cap Increase

Started by kosh401, May 27, 2017, 01:51:36 PM

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Hi all,

Previously, you could adjust the pop cap of the story tellers by going to \Core\Defs\StorytellerDefs and (for each story teller) changing:


This has changed in A17 and I'm wondering if anyone has come across where these variables are now? I can't seem to find them.





The way it tracks preferences has changed. You should find a populationIntentFromPopCurve key in each of the core Storyteller defs. This is a curve made of ordered pairs of (population, relative odds of new population events). So instead of having a single "minimum" or "maximum" population where the odds of these events changes, odds change gradually as your population increases (or decreases).

For instance, for Cassandra the curve looks like this:

      <li>0, 8</li>
      <li>1, 4</li>
      <li>5, 1</li>
      <li>9, 0.5</li>
      <li>13, 0</li>
      <li>18, -1</li>


Ok thanks, I had seen that def and those values before but didn't really understand them. I see what you mean with the pop curve and +/- event chance now. Thanks again!


As I understand it, the relative odds at 0 would mean new population events stop happening.
But what happens at relative odds of -1?

Please correct me if I am mistaken.
The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.


Well -1 matched up to critical from before... so I imagine

Start the Killing.

As for the thread itself. THANK YOU. I knew they wrere pairs... and I was guessing in the right direction... but the second pair had me about 65% stumped.

With this new data it might even be possible to have multiple comfort and craze zones... start out get to 10... but getting to say 20 is a heavy slog of prison breaks and dead rescuees... so you have time to build. Then you claw your way through 20's lil pop barrier and poof a breeze again. rinse and repeat all the way to a real hard cap where it feels like you're a THRIVING lil city. Only now... well you're TOO BIG.