Ok then tell me how to survive this one!

Started by Listy, May 28, 2017, 06:41:20 AM

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Quote from: Andy_Dandy on May 29, 2017, 02:36:41 AM
Hm, you dont have much built for 7 days. You have alot of resources that could be used to air condition your rooms.

Edit: Bedrooms should be built on day 1 or 2 aswell. :)

So my lot have to slum it a bit, but when I do get round to things they get done properly.

Quote from: Mkok on May 29, 2017, 05:48:32 AM
You could have them bathe in geothermal vent. Just build a room around it, and youve got your own sauna. Just beware the flames!

Weirdly On one play though I did have either a uranium or Steel door to a geothermal generator room that carriedo n bursting into flames.


geothermal vents and generators generate heat, if you dont vent it enough it might cause flames.


You already have a fueled generator which, judging by the screenshot, only provides power to the cooker. You should have build a cooler for the room that looks like is going to be your food storage room, and move your beds in there for the 2-3 days the heat wave will last.

As others have noted, you don't seem to have done alot during these first 6-7 days. No beds? Hauling chunks for stone cutting (let your stone-cutter do it, there should be alot near you when you start, you can worry about that much later)? Limited farming (I don't know the growing periods in the spot you've selected, but it doesn't seem enough)?

I also don't like wasting resources in the beginning, so I build a fueled generator to fuel two coolers (I build a huge freezer), a cooker and Hi-Tech Research Bench (400+350+250 = 1000 power) and use wood for warmth/light until I can build my first Geo.

BTW, as the night sets in at least one of them will become, again, capable of walking to rescue the others.


Personally I've found the caravan system an easy escape. Set to allow multiple colonies, then just make a new colony someplace else. Even if an even effects your original colony the new one is independant. Just move back and forth as needed. Then the colonies will really work like one sharing resources etc.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░─╤▌██ |
                           TO WAR WE GO


Never understood the hate on windmills.  As tribe I use them nearly exclusively until geothermal once I get electricity.  Especially in polar regions seeing more solar than windmills is nonsense lol. 

You have enough steel for 2 windmills + battery + coolers + stove early game and can mine or even deconstruct a generated structure for more fast.  This is actually way more power than you need and if you're careful with placement you can skip conduits for a long while too.  Early power build for tribe that researched into it:

You put down something like this + cooler and you don't die, and since you're not tribe you don't have passive cooler so you need the electricity early.

IMO cold snaps early on in those 10-20 day growing season regions blocking you from growing anything are more cancerous than heat waves, because heat waves have actual counterplay.  If you're a tribe and eat that kind of cold snap, there's nothing you can do; mining more steel to make more power for heated indoor sunlamp farming isn't an option...you're stuck hunting crap and trading or you die, and it's a long winter that way...

Quote from: hoffmale on May 28, 2017, 12:38:45 PM

Actually, if its hot, the last thing you want is humidity (so rain won't help, as it just helps to increase said humidity).

The human cooling mechanism (sweating) relies on water evaporation, which gets less and less efficient the higher the humidity in the air is. There's a reason why a "dry heat" is much more bearable than "jungle climate".

OTOH taking a bath in cooler water would help, but that requires a bit more soaking than just "standing in a river".

That depends how far in you go.  Water's specific heat is pretty large, and a river is almost always going to have less heat than the air in this kind of situation...quite possibly less than human body temperature still depending on its source/flow.  The process of drying out would also allow for evaporation cooling.

It's similar to what happens when people swim in near-freezing water and stop being able to move properly, drowning (it can even happen to rescuers attempting to help people in this scenario), except in the case of a heat wave the water would be doing the opposite of killing you.


Quote from: Listy on May 28, 2017, 06:41:20 AM


No serious power supplies to run a cooler either.
Uhh... A Fueled Gen is more than enough for an emergency cooler...
My current colony's single Fueled Gen powered 2 coolers, lighting, and some heaters for several YEARS and was never strained...


Quote from: Listy on May 28, 2017, 06:41:20 AM

Been on the planet ~7 days, not even had time to get a crop of potatoes in. So no chance to make dusters or clothing to protect agaisnt heat. No serious power supplies to run a cooler either.
Game says "Here have a heat wave"
Me: I'll do the only thing I have access too: Strip off everything not needed for modesty!
Game: That's nice, here have a bout of three extreme cases of heat stroke incapacitating all your colonists. Enjoy.
Me: Embuggerance. The heat wave should be over soon, hopefully I can tough it out. BTW game, where's the auto join event, its normally triggered by now?
Game: You dare to question me? Have a raid, peon, while all your colony is having a lie down.
Me: It's raining! Heatstroke while its foggy and raining?

Guess its my fault for playing on Cassandra normal difficulty.

How to win that one?  I'm pretty sure the answer is: Losing is FUN!TM ;D

Either that, or else Dev Tool


^ That's more a meme answer than a useful one, and it doesn't fit the majority of the game's design so I don't like seeing it.

That's especially true in a case like this where experienced players could have avoided significant issues with heat stroke routinely and trivially, considering the need to have pawns cool off on occasion before dusters a nuisance at worst.

This isn't day 10-14 plague as a tribe where you need to abuse trades to have a chance to survive at all, or year 1 blight in a 10 day growing season region, or a cold snap as a tribe in 10 day growing season tundra etc.  This is something you drop 1 build to counter and then largely ignore.